Economics serving society

(March 30) Journée de formation de l’APHEC 2020

Dear all,

Unfortunately, we inform you that the APHEC training day, initially scheduled for March 30, 2020, is cancelled due to current health security measures.

We will get back to you as soon as we have more information from the organizers about a possible postponement of the event.

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PSE is glad to co-organize with APHEC - Association des Professeurs des classes préparatoires économiques et commerciales, the training day of APHEC 2020:

Journée annuelle de formation de l’APHEC

Date: Lundi 30 mars 2020
Venue: Maison des Sciences économiques, 106-112 boulevard de l’Hôpital, 75013 Paris
(métro Campo Formio - ligne 5)
Salle des thèses, 6th floor

Object of training:
Training of teachers of Economics, Sociology and Contemporary World History following the reform of the programmes of the economic and commercial preparatory classes.


9h - 9h30: Accueil café des stagiaires
9h30 - 11h: L’économie du bonheur, Claudia Senik, Sorbonne Université & École d’Économie de Paris
11h30 - 13h: Les transformations de la protection sociale et du marché du travail, Michael Zemmour, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

Pause déjeuner - Plateaux repas, MSE (salle 115)

14h15 - 15h45: Croissance durable, Mouez Fodha, Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne & École d’économie de Paris
16h - 17h30: Finance et transition écologique, Dominique Plihon, Chaire Energie et prospérité.


Organisation: Jézabel Couppey‐Soubeyran (Paris 1 – PSE) and Sylvie Laurent (APHEC)
Contacts: couppey@univ‐ and sylviedomilaurent at