Economics serving society

(November 3-5) JECO - Journées de l’économie 2021 : "Faire des utopies une opportunité"

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PSE - Paris School of Economics is once again a partner of the JECO - Journées de l’économie: the 2021 edition will take place from November 3rd to 5th: some conferences and workshops will be held in several rooms at Lyon and others will be broadcast exclusively by videoconference. Many teachers and researchers of PSE will be present at the event.

JECO - Journées de l’économie 2021 : "Faire des utopies une opportunité"

Here is the program of the conferences in which the teacher-researchers of PSE participate:

Wednesday, November 3:

11h00 - 13h00

  • Daniel Cohen, President of the Board of directors and PSE Chaired Professor, and Katheline Schubert, PSE Chaired Professor and Professor at the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, will participate in the conference entitled "Un chemin vers un monde plus résilient ?".

14h00 - 14h45

  • Daniel Cohen, President of the Board of directors and PSE Chaired Professor, will participate in the conference entitled "Réinventer la politique économique après la crise COVID".

17h00 - 18h30

  • Katheline Schubert, PSE Chaired Professor and Professor at the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, will participate in the conference entitled "L’Etat et les risques".

Thursday, November 4:

09h00 - 10h30

  • Éric Monnet, PSE Professor and Directeur d’études at the EHESS, will chair the conference entitled "Climat : mais que fait la finance ?".

09h00 - 10h30

  • Lise Rochaix, PSE Professor and Professor at the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, will chair the conference entitled "Réinventer l’économie de la santé".

09h00 - 10h30

  • Philippe Aghion, PSE Affiliate Researcher and Professor at the Collège de France, will participate in the conference entitled "Le mystère de la productivité".

11h00 - 12h30

  • Marc Fleurbaey, PSE Chaired Professor and Senior Researcher at CNRS, will participate in the conference entitled "De la croissance au bien-être".

11h00 - 12h30

  • Gabrielle Fack, PSE Affiliate Researcher and Professor at the Université Paris Dauphine (PSL), will participate in the conference entitled "La ville hors de prix ?".

14h00 - 15h30

  • Bénédicte Apouey, PSE Professor and Research Professor at CNRS, will participate in the conference entitled "Comment impliquer les citoyens dans la décision publique ?".

14h00 - 15h30

  • Philippe Aghion, PSE Affiliate Researcher and Professor at the Collège de France, will participate in the conference entitled "Gérer la dette publique post-Covid".

14h00 - 15h30

  • Ekrame Boubtane, PSE Affiliate Researcher and Maître de conférences at the Université Clermont Auvergne, Hippolyte d’Albis, PSE Professor and Research director at CNRS, and Elena Stancanelli, PSE Professor and Research Director at CNRS, will participate in the conference entitled "Gérer la dette publique post-Covid".

14h00 - 15h30

  • Lucas Chancel, PSE Affiliate Researcher, Codirector of the World Inequality Lab and Professor at Sciences Po, and Marc Fleurbaey, PSE Chaired Professor and Senior Researcher at CNRS, will participate in the conference entitled "Inégalités et climat".

16h00 - 17h30

  • Philippe Aghion, PSE Affiliate Researcher and Professor at the Collège de France, will participate in the conference entitled "Lutter contre le délitement des services publics".

Friday, November 5:

11h00 - 12h30

  • Éric Monnet, PSE Professor and Directeur d’études at the EHESS, will participate in the conference entitled "Banques Centrales et démocratie".

14h00 - 15h30

  • Julien Grenet, PSE Professor and Senior researcher at CNRS, will participate in the conference entitled "Comment évaluer notre école et dans quel but ?".

16h00 - 18h00

  • Philippe Aghion, PSE Affiliate Researcher and Professor at the Collège de France, will participate in the conference entitled "Penser l’économie post pandémie".