Economics serving society

Printemps de l’économie 2024 | What kind of Europe in a fragmented world? | April 2 to 5

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The Paris School of Economics is once again a partner of the Printemps de l’économie whose 2024 edition, entitled "What kind of Europe in a fragmented world?", will take place from April 2 to 5. Many professors from the Paris School of Economics will once again be present.

PSE is organizing a session on Tuesday April 2 on the theme: "Migration policy in Europe over the next few years: overcoming preconceived ideas" in partnership with the Convergences Migrations Institute.

Date: Tuesday, April 2, 3:15 to 4:15pm
Venue: Hemicycle of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council 9, Place d’Iéna
75016 Paris and at distance

European migration policy is the subject of much debate - and tension - both in politics and in civil society. Yet preconceived ideas and hasty conclusions are often legion on this subject. A great deal of social science research has been carried out on the subject in recent years, based on precise analyses and detailed data. What are the main findings of this research? What are the real effects of immigration in migrant-receiving countries? How are native attitudes to immigration shaped, and what are their consequences for the integration of immigrants in their host countries? These are just some of the issues to be addressed in this session.


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Ekrame Boubtane, affiliated researcher at the Paris School of Economics and lecturer at the University of Clermont Auvergne

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Delphine Rouilleault, managing director, France terre d’asile

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Jérôme Valette, economist at CEPII and director of the Dynamics Department at Institut Convergences Migrations

Watch the replay of the PSE Session:

For more information on the Printemps de l’économie: click here.