Economics serving society


3rd International Conference MIGRATION & DEVELOPMENT

Paris School of Economics (PSE), the French Development Agency Research Department (AFD) and the World Bank International Migration and Development Program are jointly organizing the third international conference on “Migration and Development” - (...)


21st January - 22nd February : job market seminars

Between January 21 and February 22, 10 job market seminars and campus visit will be organized for candidates to the position of Assistant Professor at Paris School of Economics. The list of job market seminars and information about the (...)


28th & 29th January 2010 - Conference “Economic Linkages, Spillovers and the Financial Crisis”

The Banque de France Chair of the Paris School of Economics and the International Monetary Fund are organizing a conference on “Economic Linkages, Spillovers and the Financial Crisis”, which will be held in Paris on the 28th and 29th of January (...)


Final Report: The effect of a policy of parental involvement in secondary schools

The Paris School of Economics has produced a final report for Martin Hirsch, the High Commissioner for Youth, regarding the evaluation of a programme carried out in 2008-2009 in 40 Secondary Schools in the Créteil regional education authority. (...)


JOB MARKET Candidates 2009-2010

The Paris School of Economics presents its list of job-market candidates for 2009-2010.


J-M Bonisseau, A. Clark and O. Gossner: three new Paris School of Economics Associate Chairs

The Scientific Board of the Paris School of Economics met on the 21st of November 2009, and validated the nomination of the three new Associate Chairs : Jean-Marc Bonisseau : his work focuses on general equilibrium and market imperfections, (...)


DIM Ile-de-France Region: call for projects in Economics

The Paris School of Economics holds the economics sciences DIM, one of the 14 fields “Major Research Domains” (“Domaines d’intérêt majeur”: DIM) set up by the region Ile-de-France in order to support research. These call for projects cover : PhD (...)


15th december 2009 : Lecture by Emmanuel Saez ’Taxation and Redistributive Politics’

Paris School of Economics is glad to have invited Emmanuel Saez for a lecture on the 15th of December at Jourdan(Download the Presse release). Emmanuel Saez, professor at the University of Berkeley, is the first French economist to be awarded (...)


B. Apouey et J. Grenet, two awarded researchers of EEP - Paris School of Economics

Bénédicte Apouey, 29 years, and Julien Grenet, 30 years, have been awarded respectively by the FEEM - European Economic Association (EEA) award and by the Association Française de Science Economique (AFSE) award. Introduction and interview of (...)