Economics serving society

Release of the World Inequality Report 2018

14 December 2017
The first Conference is currently being held, at the Paris School of Economics. This morning is dedicated to the release of the first issue of the World Inequality Report #wir2018. It is now available online, along with 8 versions of the synthesis: English, French, German, Hindi, Arabic, Russian, Chinese and Spanish.

PNG - 38.2 kb

Revue de presse - FRANCE

AFP, 14 décembre 2017 - "Un rapport dénonce l’accroissement des inégalités dans le monde" - Par Valentin Bontemps

Revue de presse - BRAZIL

Agência France-Presse, 14/12/2017 "Desigualdades crescem no mundo, especialmente nos EUA". AFP BR: Desigualdades crescem no mundo via Youtube

Revue de presse - GERMANY

Deutsche Presse-Agentur, 14/12/17 “Einkommensungleichheit in Deutschland so groß wie 1913” - Friederike Marx und Sebastian Kunigkeit

To read the complete press review #wir2018 - follow this link to the website