Economics serving society

Sociétés en danger : Menaces et peurs, perceptions et réactions under the supervision of de Claudia Senik

The latest book coordinated by Claudia Senik focuses on the different visions of the risks (ecological, economic, political and geopolitical) threatening our societies and the responses that follow from them.

Extract from the 4th cover, Editions La Découverte

“Ecological, economic, political and geopolitical risks: our societies have never been so convinced that they are heading towards a series of almost inevitable catastrophes. Faced with these dangers, reactions are of several kinds. Some try, through prophetic speeches, to trigger a mobilisation by pointing to particular risks. Others propose a more holistic vision of how the world works, which includes the possibility of disasters, or even apocalypse. Survivalist groups are trying to prepare for the post-cataclysm world. Lawyers are proposing to give rights to animals and even to nature in order to protect them. But most ’decision-makers’ are reluctant to mobilise, and contemporary societies seem to be comfortable with the threats and ’legal poisons’ they inflict on themselves. The case studies in this collective work shed new light on the questions of a world that feels in danger.”

The Author

Claudia Senik is Chair Professor at PSE and Professor at Sorbonne University. She is the Director of the Wellbeing Observatory at CEPREMAP. She is an associate researcher at the IZA. She works on the economics of happiness and especially on the link between income, growth, inequality and happiness. She has published several books including : « Le Bien-être au travail - ce qui compte » (Presses de Sciences Po, 2020), « L’économie du bonheur » (le Seuil, 2014) and co-published « Crises de confiance ? » (La Découverte, 2020) and « Les Français, le bonheur et l’argent » (Rue D’Ulm, 2018).