Economics serving society

« Une brève histoire de l’égalité », Thomas Piketty, August 2021

Discover this new book published last August by Thomas Piketty, professor at PSE, director of studies at EHESS and co-director of WIL and

« Une brève histoire de l’égalité »

Dedicated page on the Seuil publisher’s website:

Extract from the back cover


"Economic issues are too important to be left to a small class of specialists and leaders. The reappropriation of this knowledge by citizens is an essential step in transforming power relations."
By presenting the long-term evolution of inequalities between social classes in human societies, Thomas Piketty offers a new perspective on the history of equality. He relies on a strong conviction forged through his research: the march towards equality is a struggle that has come a long way, and which only needs to be continued in the XXIst century, if we all get involved.

The author

Thomas Piketty is Chair Professor at PSE, Director of Studies at EHESS and Co-Director of WIL and He has published numerous research articles in international journals such as the Quarterly Journal of Economics, Journal of Political Economy, American Economic Review, Review of Economic Studies, Explorations in Economic History, Annales: Histoire, Sciences Sociales, as well as a dozen books. He is the author of historical and theoretical works on the relationship between economic development, wealth distribution and political conflict. This work has led to the identification of the importance of political, social and fiscal institutions in the historical dynamics of wealth distribution. He is the author of the international bestsellers “Capital in the XXIst Century” (2013) and “Capital and Ideology” (2019).