Economics serving society

Energy, Climate

This dimension aims to deepen the conditions for a sustainable and equitable transition to a world with zero net carbon emissions, for companies and households. The aim is to better understand the magnitude of the reallocation costs of this transition, to assess their impacts in terms of stranded assets and green investments and, finally, to draw up the macroeconomic scenarios of the transition and their consequences.

Much work is focused on providing answers to the core of the energy transition.

Climate policies will likely need to focus on instruments other than simply taxing carbon emissions. Without a carbon price, or with a price that is too low, where should investments be directed? How, in turn, do these investments interact with the more conventional climate policies already in place?

How can externalities be measured to better integrate them into economic calculations? What policies should be implemented in a market economy? What are the new issues of clean energy in terms of pricing and distribution? A climate-ambitious energy mix will lead to a significant amount of stranded assets. What consequences for industrial activity and economic growth? What are the reactions of the actors and what compensations are envisaged?

The "Making a success of the energy transition" chair develops research and communication activities on the issue of the energy transition.