Economics serving society

Labor Chair

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The "Labor" Research Chair of the Paris School of Economics was created in partnership with the City of Paris and two departments of the Ministry of Labor – the DARES (Directorate for the coordination of research, studies and statistics), the DGEFP (General Delegation for Employment and Vocational Training of the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Integration and France Travail.



Several activities are on the chair’s agenda:


The purpose of this chair is to is to attract the best young scholars (doctoral and post-doctoral) working on labor issues, to form a network of affiliated researchers, and to create and disseminate accessible academic work, and thus to refine our understanding of trends in work, employment dynamics, wages and unemployment.

Chair’s holders

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Eric Maurin – Professor at PSE and Studies Director at EHESS.

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Dominique Meurs - Executive Director of the "Labor" Research Chair, Professor at the University of Paris Nanterre and Associate Researcher at the Ined.

Scientific Council

Andrea Garnero, Economist at the OECD.
Laurent Gobillon, Chair Professor at the PSE and Research Director at the CNRS.
Roland Rathelot, Associate Professor at the CREST.
Anne Solaz, Research Director at the INED.

Steering Committee

To coordinate its work, the chair has set up a steering committee made up of the Chair’s holders, Dominique Meurs and Eric Maurin, and partners’ representatives : Anita Bonnet (Chef du Département Etudes et Recherche, France Travail), Emmanuel Chion (Directeur adjoint des statistiques, France Travail), Maud Berthier (Cheffe de projet, Ville de Paris), Patricia Quintanilla (Chargée de missions « Emplois et compétences », Délégation générale à l’emploi et à la formation professionnelle), Véronique Simmonet (Responsable de la Mission Animation de la recherche, DARES).

PSE Partners

France Travail is the public operator of reference for the employment market. As part of its public service mission, the establishment is committed to guaranteeing support for job seekers in their search for work and to meeting the recruitment needs of companies. France Travail relies on nearly 900 local agencies and relays. France Travail’s website receives 42 million visits per month.

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The General Delegation for Employment and Vocational Training of the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Integration (DGEFP) designs, implements, pilots and controls public policies in the areas of: support for professional transitions; professional integration; continuing vocational training and work-study programs; and economic and social change: forward-looking management of jobs and skills, support for companies in difficulty.

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Directorate for the Coordination of Research, Studies and Statistics (DARES) is the department of the Ministry of Labor that produces analyses, studies and statistics on the themes of labor, employment, professional training and social dialogue.