Economics serving society
Tom Raster

Tom Raster

PhD student

Paris School of Economics, EHESS

Campus Jourdan – 48, boulevard Jourdan 75014 Paris

5th floor, office 70

Phone +33(0)7 67 16 06 70

Personal website
Research groups: Economic and Social History
  • Agricultural Economics and development
  • Labor and development
  • Political economy of development
  • History of Development
  • Labor history
  • International Trade and Trade policy

Tom Raster is available for positions

Tom Raster is an EJME candidate and JOE Network candidate

  • Primary Field: International Economics
  • Secondary Fields: Economic History, Labor Economics, Migration
  • References: Thomas Piketty, Edward Glaeser, Ekaterina Zhuravskaya, Sheilagh Ogilvie
  • Job Market PAPER: Breaking the ice: The persistent effects of pioneers on trade relationships
  • Placement: Assistant Professor, London School of Economics (UK)
  • Brief Candidate Profile:

    Tom works at the intersection of trade, labor economics, and economic history. He collects large-scale archival data and uses natural experiments to causally test prominent theories in economics and economic history.

Thesis Supervisor: Piketty Thomas

Academic year of registration: 2019/2020

Thesis title: Essays in Historical Political Economy : Trade, Innovation, and Forced Labor

On June 27, 2024 at 5:00 PM (Paris time), I will defend my thesis Essays in Historical Political Economy: Trade, Innovation, and Forced Labor.


To participate:

ID: 864 7944 7641

Code: 090749




M. Thomas CHANEY, University of Southern California

Mme Sheilagh OGILVIE, University of Oxford

M. Leah PLATT BOUSTAN, Princeton University

Mme Ekaterina ZHURAVSKAYA, EHESS, PSE-Ecole d’économie de Paris


Thesis supervisor:

M. Thomas PIKETTY, EHESS, PSE-Ecole d’économie de Paris