Economics serving society
Angelo Riva

Angelo Riva

PSE Affiliate Researcher

Professor EBS

Campus Jourdan – 48 Boulevard Jourdan 75014 Paris

4th floor, office 58

Phone +33(0)1 80 52 17 18

Scientific coordinator of the EURHISFIRM European collaborative project

Research groups: Economic and Social History
  • Money, Credit, Finance in the long run
  • Political Economy and Institutions
  • Financial Economics
  • Financial Crisis
  • Law and Economics
  • Market Structure
  • Organization economics
  • Monetary Policy

Book chapters

  • Riva A (2018), La crisi del 1907 e l'organizzazione delle borse: cause e consequenze. In De Luca, Giuseppe, Lorenzini Marcella, Romano Roberto (eds.), Banche e banchieri in Italia e in Svizzer. Attività, istituzioni e dinamiche finanziarie tra XVI e XXI secolo. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2018,  p. 317 - 348.
  • Lagneau-Ymonet P., Riva A. (2018), The future of stock exchanges has a long past: what can we learn from financial history? In Chambost, I., Lenglet, M. and Tadjeddine, Y., (Eds.), The Making of Finance: Perspectives from the Social Sciences. London: Routledge.
  • Ducros J., Grandi E., Hautcoeur P.-C., Hekimian R., Prunaux E., Riva A., Ungaro S. (2018), “Collecting and storing historical financial data: the DFIH project”. In “Computational Social Sciences in the Age of Big Data. Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications. Köln, Herbert von Halen Verlag and Neue Schriften zur Online –Forschung band 15, the German Society for Online Research, p. 355-377
  • Ducros, J., Grandi, E., Hautcœur, P.C., Hekimian, R., Riva, A., Ungaro, S. (2017), “Le projet D-FIH : humanités numériques et histoire financière”, in Clavert, Frédéric et al. Humanités numériques : mode d’emploi pour le chercheur en sciences humaines et sociales.
  • Annaert J., Buelens F., Riva A. (2016), “Financial history databases: old data, new insights? ”. In Chambers D./Dimson E. (eds), Financial Market History, CFA Institute; London
  • Lagneau-Ymonet, P./Riva, A. (2012) A. Market as a Public Good. The Political Economy of the Revision of the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID). In: Huault I./Richard, C. (eds.) Finance: The Discreet Regulator, How Financial Activities Shape and Transform the World. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 134-163.
  • Riva, A./Baubeau, P. (2012) How do Markets Work in a State-led Financial System? The French Fourth Republic and the Management of Financial Flows. In: Bonin, H./Haueter, N.-V. (eds.) Public Policies & the Direction of Financial Flows. Bucuresti: Publishing House Oscar Print, 319-336.
  • Lagneau-Ymonet, P./Riva, A. (2011) Les opérations à terme à la Bourse de Paris au XIX siècle, in Levratto N./Stanziani A. (eds.) Le capitalisme au future antérieur. Crédit et spéculation en France fin XVIIIe – début XXe siècles. Bruxelles: Bruylant.
  • Oosterlink, K./Riva, A. (2010) Competition among French Stock Exchanges during the Second World Word. In: Ogren, A./Baubeau, P. (eds) Convergence and Divergence of National Financial Systems: Evidence from the Gold Standards, 1871-1971. London: Pickering&Chatto.
  • Riva, A. (2009) Le strutture sociali della regolazione delle Borse italiane nel XIX secolo. In: Conti, G./Feiertag, O./Scatamacchia, R. (eds.) Credito e nazione in Francia e in Italia              da fine ‘800 a fine ‘900. Pisa: Pisa University Press.
  • Lagneau-Ymonet, P./Riva, A. (2008) L’épuration à la Bourse de Paris. In: Barjot, D./Fridenson, P./Joly, H./Margairaz, M. (eds.) L’épuration économique en France à la    libération. Presses Universitaires de Rennes.
  • Riva, A. (2007) La negoziazione della rendita nelle borse italiane all’epoca giolittiana.     In : De Luca G./Moioli A. (eds.) Debito Pubblico e mercati finanziari in Italia fra età         moderna e contemporanea. Milano, FrancoAngeli ed.
  • Riva, A. (2003) Un tentativo di bilancio delle esperienze francese ed inglese in materia di servizi bancari di base. In: Anderloni, L. (ed.) Il social banking in Italia: un fenomeno da esplorare. Milano: Giuffrè ed.
  • Riva, A. (2003) Il rischio di esclusione in una società che cambia. In: Anderloni, L. (ed.) Il social banking in Italia: un fenomeno da esplorare, Milano, Giuffrè ed.
  • Pollin, JP./Riva, A. (2002) Financial Inclusion and the role of postal systems. In: Ruozi, R./Anderloni, L. (eds.) Privatisation and Modernisation of Postal System. New Opportunities in the Area of Financial Services. Berlin: Springer.