Claudia Senik
PSE Chaired Professor
Professor Sorbonne Université
Campus Jourdan – 48 Boulevard Jourdan 75014 Paris
3rd floor, office 05
Phone +33(0)1 80 52 18 55 / +33(0)6 16 55 75 15
Directrice de l'Observatoire du Bien-Être (Cepremap)
claudia.senik at
claudia.senik at
Research groups:
Economics of Human Behavior
- Experimental Economics
- Well-being
- Happiness
- Demography and Household Economics
- Health
- Pensions
- Behavioral economics
- Experimental economics
Happiness economics: publications
- Teleworking and Life Satisfaction in Germany during COVID-19: The Importance of Family Structure. Claudia Senik, Anthony Lepinteur, Andrew Clark, Conchita D’Ambrosio and Carsten Schröder. Journal of Population Economics, 37(1), 2024.
- Time-Use and Subjective Well-Being: Is Diversity Really the Spice of Life? Naomi Friedman-Sokuler and Claudia Senik, in Time Use in Economics- Research in Labor Economics 51(1): 1-34, 2024.
- Adopting telework: The causal impact of working from home on subjective well-being. Guillaume Gueguen and Claudia Senik, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 2023: 1-37.
- Feeling good is feeling better , with Alberto Prati, Psychological Science, 33(11), 1828–1841, 2022.
Territoires, bien-être et politiques publiques, Note du CAE n°55, janvier 2020, avec Yann Algan et Clément Malgouyres.
- Quantifying the Intangible Impact of the Olympics Using Subjective Well-Being Data. With Paul Dolan, Georgios Kavetsos, Christian Krekel, Dimitris Mavridis, Robert Metcalfe, Stefan Szymanski, and Nicolas Ziebarth. Journal of Public Economics, 2019, vol 117.
- Well-Being Through the Lens of the Internet, with Yann Algan, Elizabeth Beasley, Fabrice Murtin and Kazuhito Higa, PLOS ONE, 2019, 14(1): e0211586.
- Les indicateurs sont-ils en perte de sens ? Actes des Rencontres économiques d’Aix en Provence, 2019, Acte III, session 4, 69-92.
Sept voix sur le bonheur. Luc Ferry, Sylvain Tesson, Claudia Senik, Boris Cyrulnik, Editions des Equateurs, 2017.
- Repenser le modèle social. 8 nouvelles questions d’économie contemporaine. (Economiques, 4). Daniel Cohen, Philippe Askenazy et Claudia Senik éditeurs, Paris : Albin Michel, 2017.
- “Happy People Have Children: Choice and Self-Selection into Parenthood”, with Andrew Clark and Sophie Cêtre, European Journal of Population, 2016, 32(3), 445-473.
- “Economic Growth Evens-Out Happiness: Evidence from Six Surveys”, with A. Clark and S. Flèche. Review of Income and Wealth, 2016, 62(3), 405-420.
- “Why are the French so Unhappy ? The Cultural Dimension of Happiness”, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2014, 106: 379-401.
- “Un Bonheur mesuré”, in Mesure et démesure... peut-on vivre sans limites? Actes du Colloque GYPSY, 2014. R. Frydman et M. Flis-Trève eds, Presses Universitaires de France.
- “Wealth and Happiness”. Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 2014, 30 (1): 92-108.
- Happiness and Economic Growth: Lessons from Developing Countries, 2014. Conference Volume, Clark A. and Senik C. eds., Oxford University Press.
- “The Great Happiness Moderation”, with Andrew Clark and Sarah Flèche, in Clark A. and Senik C. eds. Happiness and Economic Growth: Lessons from Developing Countries, 2014. Oxford University Press.
- “The Causes of Happiness and Misery”, with Andrew Clark and Richard Layard. Chapter 2 in John Helliwell, Richard Layard and Jeffrey Sachs eds. World Happiness Report, 2012, The Earth Institute at Columbia University, CIFAR and Centre for Economic Performance at the LSE, pp. 58-89.
- “Will GDP Growth Increase Happiness in Developing Countries?”, with Andrew Clark, Conference Volume of the 8th AFD-EUDN Conference: Measure for Measure. How Well do we Measure Development? 2012. Paris: STIN, pp. 99-176.
- « Is Happiness Different From Flourishing? Cross-Country Evidence from the ESS », avec Andrew E. Clark, Revue d’économie politique, numéro spécial « Les nouveaux indicateurs de bien-être », 2011 (1) : 17-34.
- « La Croissance du PIB rendra-t-elle les habitants des pays en développement plus heureux? », avec Andrew Clark, Revue d’économie du développement, numéro spécial « Mesure pour mesure : sait-on vraiment mesurer le développement ? » 2011 (2-3): 113-199.
- “Democracy, Market Liberalization and Political Preferences”, with Pauline Grosjean, Review of Economics and Statistics, 2011, 93(1), 365-381.
- “Immigration and Natives’ Attitudes towards Redistribution: Evidence from the European Social Survey” with Holger Stichnoth and Karine Van der Straeten, Social Indicators Research, 2009, 91(3) 345-370.
- “Is Man Doomed to Progress?” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2008, 68 (1), 140-152.
- “Heterogeneity and measures of well-being: evidence from twelve European countries”, with A. Clark, F. Etilé, F. Postel-Vinay et K. Van der Straeten, Economic Journal, 2005, 155, C118-C132.
- “What Can we Learn from Subjective Data ? The Case of Income and Well-Being”, Journal of Economic Surveys, 2005, 19 (1), 43-63.