Being an APE student
Curriculum: 2024-2025
- M1 APE Timetable: go to the online agenda
- M2 APE Timetable: go to the online agenda
- Download the APE course booklet 2021-2022
- Go to the PSE teaching website via this link
Online Resources site:
Using the Online Resources site, the instructors can make the following available to students:
- Post class documents;
- Information related to course participation;
- Post the grades of the courses;
- Consult the evaluations of their courses.
At the end of each course sequence, students are invited to give their opinion of their courses and their professors. Several questions are asked, ranging from the availability of the professor to the pedagogical content of the course. The results of these evaluations are taken into account for the following university year.
Housing assistance
Foreign students (including those from the EU) may be eligible for assistance from the Caisse d’allocations familiales (CAF, family allowances programme), in particular for housing. CAF housing help comes in two forms: APL (Aide Personnalisée au Logement for subsidised lodgings) and ALS (Allocation Logement à caractère Social) in accordance with set criteria (minimum surface of 9m² for one person and minimum comfort). If you are the lease holder, whether of a room, a household, a shared rent, or an apartment, you may be eligible for housing assistance.
In order to access such assistance, please fill in the form that fits your situation:
- If you come from an EU country, print out the CAF form and send it to the CAF office in the département where you live.
- If you come from a country outside the EU, print out the CAF form and send it to the CAF office in the département where you live, accompanied by a recto-verso photocopy of your valid titre de sejour.
Note! Do not wait to receive your definitive titre de sejour or OFII stamp (in VLS_TS cases) before sending your file to the CAF office. In the first instance, a receipt for the request for a titre de sejour will suffice, because obtaining the definitive one can take more than three months. Once you have received the new/definitive titre de sejour or OFII stamp, do not forget to send a copy of it to your CAF office in order to continue to receive your benefits.
You can visit the dedicated page "Prepare your arrival at PSE"
Depending on your nationality, some financial aid may be possible through different institutions (central banks, embassies, foundations, etc.) We suggest that you explore the various possibilities available by visiting the websites of the EHESS and Campus France.
You can dowload the pdf document "Funding opportunities for Foreign Students" (pdf)
Within the APE training, no internship is required.
Nevertheless, each year, dozens of internship offers are proposed to students of the programme, for vacancies in sectors such as finance, insurance, research and international organisations.
> Permission: the internships must respect a maximum weekly working time and must be authorised by the APE head of teaching. They do not in any way exempt from compulsory attendance.
> Period of completion: an internship may be done at the end of M1 during the summer (without constraint) or during the M2 year if it is part-time (maximum half-time) and its subject if strongly connected to the theme being developed in the candidate’s Masters thesis. No full-time internship will be authorised during the course of the university year. Internships can be exceptionally done during the year of M1 within the limit of one day (8h) per week, but students must be aware that they will then have to make a very important effort.
> Internship agreement: the conditions of the internship must be approved of by the teaching secretary. Putting an agreement in place is obligatory and takes some time.
Student representation
Each year, the students elect two representatives for each programme year (i.e. two for M1 and two for M2). The elections are held in November-December.
The student representatives will have the opportunity to express their views on the teaching during two annual meetings with the director of teaching and when they are invited to the education council.
In addition, they participate in the development of teaching modules for the following year and in the examinations committee.
Students association: SYNAPSE
The Synapse Association has two main goals. One the one hand, its objective is to organize parties and cultural events in and outside PSE to promote a “school spirit” and increase students’ occasions to meet and share good times together. On the other hand, it has the ambition to be a complement to the formations provided at PSE. The goal is to strengthen the relations with the Alumni, and to build great opportunities (internships, round tables...) for the students at PSE and their future professional paths. Come to meet us in Room 1-01 !
- Visit the SYNAPSE Facebook page