Economics serving society



Financial aid from different institutions is available for international students. However, there are a few key points to bear in mind if you wish to obtain a grant to study in France.

The admission into the French higher education institution and the application for a scholarship are two independent processes managed by distinct organizations, even if the academic institution is involved in the grant allocation process, as it is often the case.

At PSE there is no integrated “admission through scholarship” system.
You must be aware that you should start looking for funding and investigate the possible sources as early as in October, one year before you start your studies.
The application procedures usually open in December, with deadlines as early as in January. You will find grants where candidates apply for funding directly and individually (e. g., government scholarships) as well as grants where applications are sent through the Higher Education institution the candidate wishes to be part of. In such a case, it is the institution accepting the candidate for its training that presents his/her application file for the grant.

We invite all the future PSE students to explore the different funding possibilities in more detail available on the website of Campus France through the grant search engine.

Financial support from PSE, funded by the EUR (Ecoles Universitaires de Recherche)

The PPD master offer four scholarships to M1 students who are (exclusively) citizens of a middle or low-income country (see the list of eligible countries), conditional on their financial ressources - the M1 grant could be extended to M2 if the 1st year is validated in 1 year. If you are eligible, you can apply to this scholarship while applying to the PPD program. More information in the dedicated brochure.

The amount of the scholarship is 15,000 euros, 9,000 euros received in M1 and 5,000 euros received in M2, the latter under the condition of full completion of the M1 within a year and provided that the financial situation has not improved.

PPD candidates: if you are eligible, you can apply to this scholarship while applying to the PPD program. To do so, in the “about your application”, tick “yes” to the “do you wish to apply to the PSE scholarship” and upload the required documents:
1) a personal statement mentioning your family and own resources
2) official documents justifying those resources (pay sheets, tax statements, former scholarship entitlement, etc.)

Foreign Students: Prepare Your Stay in France

Be autonomous and proactive!
The main mission of the French universities is to provide an education of excellence at a low financial cost for the student. Nevertheless, the downside of this policy is that they offer very little personalized service to individuals. Foreign students must be autonomous in their endeavors to get settled in France and fulfill the necessary administrative procedures.

Even though the PSE does not provide a dedicated service, students admitted to one of the masters’ programmes are welcome to contact the International Mobility Assistance Service (Acc&ss) at the Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris before or on their arrival to receive support and solutions to the problems they are experiencing while getting settled in Paris.

Successful candidates to the Master programme will receive, with their admission letter, all the details about this service.