Economics serving society
Guglielmo Zappala

Guglielmo Zappala

PhD student

Paris School of Economics, Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne

Campus Jourdan – 48, boulevard Jourdan 75014 Paris

4th floor, office 73

Personal website
  • Environmental Economics & Natural resources in developing countries
  • Behavioral political economy
  • Microeconometrics
  • Climate Change Economics
  • Trade/Migration and development

Thesis Supervisor: Millock Katrin

Academic year of registration: 2020/2021

Thesis title: Adaptation, Beliefs, and Impacts: Essays on the Economics of Climate

Year of thesis defense: 2022/2023

Date of thesis defense: 11 September 2023

On September 11, 2023 at 3 pm (Paris time) I defended my thesis Adaptation, Beliefs, and Impacts: Essays on the Economics of Climate.




Mme Lint BARRAGE, ETH Zürich

M. Andrew CLARK, CNRS, Paris School of Economics

Mme Hélène OLLIVIER, CNRS, Paris School of Economics

M. Wolfram SCHLENKER, Columbia University

Mme Leonie WENZ, Postdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)


Thesis supervisor:

Mme Katrin MILLOCK, CNRS, Paris School of Economics