Agnès Bénassy Quéré
Professeure titulaire d'une chaire à PSE
Professeur Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne - On leave at Banque de France
Paris School of Economics
Campus Jourdan – 48 Boulevard Jourdan 75014 Paris
4e étage, bureau 02
agnes.benassy chez
Groupes de recherche :
- Macroéconomie internationale
- It's all in the Mix: How Monetary and Fiscal Policies Can Work or Fail Together, with Elga Bartsch, Giancarlo Corsetti and Xavier Debrun, 23rd Geneva Report on the World Economy, December 2020.
- How has the macroeconomic imbalances procedure worked in practice to improve the resilience of the euro area?, with Guntram Wolff, Report for the European Parliament, EGOV, DG for Internal Policies, PE 645.710, March 2020.
- Euro area’s fiscal stance: definition, implementation and democratic legitimacy, Report for the European Parliament (ECON), PE 574.424, July 2016.
- Economic policy coordination in the euro area under the European Semester, Report for the European Parliament (ECON), PE 542.676, November 2015.
- Expert group on debt redemption fund and eurobills, Final report Group chaired by Gertrude Tumpel, 31 Mar. 2014.
- Global currencies for tomorrow: a European perspective, with I. Angeloni, B. Carton, Z. Darvas, C. Destais, J. Pisani-Ferry and S. Vallée Report for the European Commission (contract No. ECFIN/220/2010/573686) European Economy, Economic Papers 444, Jul. 2011.
- Une fiscalité competitive dans un monde concurrentiel, with M. Carré-Tallon and M. Crozet, Rapport pourle Conseil des Prélèvements Obligatoires, May 2009, Rapport d’Etude du CEPII n° 2009-02, Oct. 2009.
- Coordination des politiques budgétaires dans la zone euro : leçons de l’expérience franco- allemande, with J. Cimadomo, J. Garnier, Ch. Schalk, in J. Bourdin et Y. Collin, La coordination des politiques économiques en Europe : le malaise avant la crise ?, Les Rapports du Sénat n°113, Dec. 2007.
- China in a regional monetary framework, with A. Lahrèche-Révil. Kobe research project report, Apr. 2002.
- The reform of taxation in EU Member states, with S. Dées, L. Fontagné, G. Gaulier, A. Karareja and A. Lahrèche-Révil. Report for the European Parliament (tender nb IV/2000/05/04), Apr. 2001; European Parliament Working Document, Economic Affairs Series, ECON 127, 07-2001.
- The International Role of the Euro, with B. Mojon and A.-D. Schor, Report for the European Parliament, 1998; European Parliament Working Document, Economic Affairs Series, ECON 101, 1-98. CEPII working paper 1998-03, Jul. 1998.
- Potentialities and Opportunities of the Euro as an International Currency, Report for the European Commission (DGII), 1996; Economic Papers, n° 115, July 1996; CEPII working paper 1996-09, August 1996.