Jean-Pierre Danthine
Chercheur associé à PSE
Professeur et Co-Directeur Collège du Management de l'EPFL
Chargé de cours Paris School of Economics
Campus Jourdan – 48 Boulevard Jourdan 75014 Paris
5e étage, bureau 56
Tél. 01 80 52 17 05
jean-pierre.danthine chez
Groupes de recherche :
- Risque
- Économie politique et institutions
- Economie financière
Livres et monographies
- Bean, C., P. Bernholz, J.-P. Danthine, and E. Malinvaud, European Labour Markets : a Long-run View, a report by the CEPS Macroeconomic Policy Group, CEPS paper 46, Brussels, Belgium, 1990.
- Begg, D., J.-P. Danthine, F. Giavazzi and C. Wyplosz, „The East, the Deutschmark and EMU”, Part A of Monitoring European Integration, The Impact of Eastern Europe, a CEPR Annual Report, 1990.
- Danthine, J.-P., P. De Grauwe, L. Katseli and N. Thygesen, North/South in the EMS- Convergence and Divergence in Inflation and Real Exchange Rates, CEPS Economic Paper 50, Brassey's, London, 1991.
- Baldwin, R., D. Begg, Danthine, J.-P., V. Grilli, J.I. Haaland, M.J.M. Neumann, V. Norman, A.J. Venables and L.A. Winters, Is Bigger Better? The Economics of EC Enlargement, Monitoring European Integration 3, A CEPR Annual Report, 1992.
- Begg, D., J. Cremer, J.-P. Danthine, J. Edwards, V. Grilli, D. Neven, P. Seabright, H.-W. Sinn, A. Venables and C. Wyplosz, Making Sense of Subsidiarity. How much centralization for Europe? Monitoring European Integration 4, A CEPR Annual Report, London, 1993. Italian translation: La distribuzione dei poteri nell’Unione europea - Un’analisi delle implicazioni del principio di sussidiaretà nel processo di integrazione europea, CEPR, il Mulino, 1995.
- Danthine, J.-P., F. Giavazzi, X. Vives and E.L. von Thadden, The Future of European Banking, Monitoring European Integration 9, CEPR, London, February 1999.
- Adjaouté, K., L. Bottazzi, J.-P. Danthine, A. Fischer, R. Hamaui, R. Portes, and M. Wickens, EMU and Portfolio Adjustment, CEPR Policy Paper no 5, November 2000.
- Danthine, J.-P. and J.B. Donaldson, Intermediate Financial Theory, third edition, Elsevier, 2014; Japanese edition, 2007.