La science économique au service de la société
Marc Gurgand

Marc Gurgand

Professeur titulaire d'une chaire à PSE

Directeur de recherche CNRS

Campus Jourdan – 48, boulevard Jourdan 75014 Paris

3e étage, bureau 11

Tél. 01 80 52 18 62

Directeur du département d’économie, ENS-PSL

Groupes de recherche : Travail et économie publique
  • Capital humain et développement
  • Economie de l’éducation
  • Marché du travail
  • Politiques publiques

Sélection de publications

Behaghel L., Dromundo S., Gurgand M., Hazard Y. & Zuber Th., “The Potential of Recommender Systems for Directing Job Search: A Large-Scale Experiment”, R&R Econometrica.

Castell L., Gurgand M., Imbert C. & Tochev T., “Take-up of Social Benefits: Experimental Evidence from France”, R&R American Economic Journals: Economic Policy.

Bellue S., Bouguen A., Gurgand M., Munier V., et Tricot A. “When Effective Teacher Training Falls Short in the Classroom: Evidence from an Experiment in Primary Schools”, R&R Economics of Education Review.

Briole S., Gurgand M., Maurin E., McNally S., Ruiz-Valenzuela J. & Santin D., “The Making of Civic Virtues: A School-Based Experiment in Three Countries”, forthcoming American Economic Journals: Economic Policy.

Behaghel L., Grenet J. & Gurgand M., Economie de l'éducation, Collection Repères, La découverte, 2024.

Gurgand M., Lorenceau A. & Mélonio Th., "Student loans: Credit constraints and higher education in South Africa", Journal of Development Economics, vol. 161, March 2023.

Goux D., Gurgand M. & Maurin E., "Reading enjoyment and reading skills: lessons from an experiment with first grade children", Labour Economics, vol. 45, 17-25, 2017.

Goux D., Gurgand M. & Maurin E. "Adjusting Your Dreams? Highschool Plans and Dropout Behaviour", Economic Journal, vol. 127 n°602, 1025-1046, 2017.

Behaghel L., de Chaisemartin C. & Gurgand M., "Ready for boarding? The effects of a boarding school for disadvantaged students", American Economic Journals: Applied Economics, vol. 9, January, 140-164, 2017.

Brodaty Th. & Gurgand M., "Good peers or good teachers? Evidence from a French University", Economics of Education Review, vol. 54, October, 62-78, 2016.

Behaghel L., Crépon B., Gurgand M. & Th. Le Barbanchon, "Please Call Again: Correcting Non-Response Bias in Treatment Effect Models", Review of Economics and Statistics, vol. 97, n°5, 1070-1080, December 2015. (cf. Stata command).

Behaghel L., Crépon B., & Gurgand M., “Private and Public Provision of Counseling to Job-Seekers: Evidence from a Large Controlled Experiment”, American Economic Journals: Applied Economics, vol 6, n°4, 142-174, 2014.

Avvisati F.,  Gurgand M., Guyon N. & E. Maurin, "Getting Parents Involved : a Field Experiment in Deprived Schools", Review of Economic Studies, vol. 81, n°1, 57-83, 2014

Behaghel L., Crépon B., Gurgand M., Kamionka Th., Lequien L., Rathelot R. & Zamora Ph., “L’accompagnement personnalisé des demandeurs d’emploi”, Revue française d’économie, vol. 28, 123-158, 2013.

Crépon B., Duflo E., Gurgand M., R. Rathelot & Ph. Zamora, "Do Labor Market Policies have Displacement Effects? Evidence from a Clustered Randomized Experiment", Quarterly Journal of Economics, vol. 128, n°2, 531-580, May 2013.

Demurger S., Gurgand M., Li S. & Yue X.,  "Migrants as second-class workers in urban China? A decomposition analysis", Journal of Comparative Economics, vol. 37, n° 4, 610-628, 2009.

Gurgand M. & Margolis D., "Does work pay in France? Monetary incentives, hours constraints and the Garanteed Minimum Income ", Journal Public Economics,  vol. 92, 1669-1697, 2008.

Bourguignon F., Fournier M. & Gurgand M.,  "Selection bias corrections based on the multinomial logit model : Monte-Carlo comparisons", Journal of Economic Surveys, vol. 21, n°1, 2007. (cf. Stata command).

Gurgand M. & Maurin E., "Démocratisation de l’enseignement secondaire et inégalités salariales en France", Annales. Histoire, Sciences sociales, vol. 61, n°4, juillet-août 2006, 845-859.

Gardes F., Duncan G., Gaubert P., Gurgand M. & Starzec Ch., "Panel and Pseudo-Panel Estimation of Cross-sectional and Time Series Elasticities of Food Consumption: The Case of American and Polish Data ", Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, vol. 23, n°2, April 2005, 242-253.

Bourguignon F., Fournier M. & Gurgand M., "Distribution, Development and Education in Taiwan, China, 1979-94", in Bourguignon F., Ferreira F. et Lustig N., The Microeconomics of income distribution dynamics, World Bank and Oxford University Press, 2005.

Gurgand M., " Farmer Education and the Weather : Evidence from Taiwan, 1976-1992 ",  Journal of Development Economics , vol. 71, n°1, June 2003, 51-70.

Bourguignon F., Fournier M. & Gurgand M., "Fast Development with a Stable Income Distribution: Taiwan, 1979-1994", Review of Income and Wealth, Series 47, n°2, June 2001, 1-25.

Gurgand M., "Public Finance of Private Goods: A Discussion and Extension", Journal of Political Economy, vol. 106, n°1, 1998, 226-231.