La science économique au service de la société
Miren Lafourcade

Miren Lafourcade

Chercheuse associée à PSE

Professeure d'économie Université Paris-Saclay

Campus Jourdan – 48 Boulevard Jourdan 75014 Paris

Bâtiment Oïkos, 3e étage, bureau 66

Tél. 01 80 52 19 12 / 01 40 81 18 43

Site personnel
  • Economie des transports
  • Economie Régionale et Urbaine
  • Politiques publiques

Travaux en cours

  • Garrouste M. and M. Lafourcade, “Place-Based Policies: Opportunity for Deprived Schools or Zone-and-Shame Effect?," CEPR DP17750, CEPR outreach | Vox-EU column | PSE infographic.
  • Duranton G., L. Gobillon and M. Lafourcade, “The effects of high-speed transport on French cities,” Processing.
  • Lafourcade M. “Jet setters: blessing or curse for housing markets? Evidence from the EU aviation liberalization,” Processing.
  • Brandily P., G. Fack and M. Lafourcade, "Place-based policies and urban segregation," Processing.