Sylvie Lambert
Professeure titulaire d'une chaire à PSE
Directrice de recherche INRAE
Chercheuse associée CEPREMAP
Campus Jourdan – 48 Boulevard Jourdan 75014 Paris
5e étage, bureau 08
Tél. 01 80 52 16 88
sylvie.lambert chez
- Evaluation des politiques publiques dans les pays en développement
- L’économie domestique dans les pays en développement
- Études spécifiques de cas-pays (Brésil, Chine, Inde…)
- Economie démographique et économie de la famille
- Agriculture et développement
- Rozenn Hotte and Sylvie Lambert (2023): Marriage Payments and Wife's Welfare: All you need is love, Journal of Development Economics, vol. 164, (PSE Working Paper 2020-27)
- Tanguy Bernard, Sylvie Lambert, Karen Macours et Margaux Vinez (2023), Impact of Small Farmers' Access to Improved Seeds and Deforestation in DR Congo , Nature Communications, 14(1603),
PRESS: VoxDev - Sylvie Lambert (2022), "Intra-household resource allocation: marriage and women's strategies", Revue d'économie du développement, vol. 31, no. 2-3, pp. 9-21.
- Philippe De Vreyer and Sylvie Lambert (2021): "Inequality,poverty and the intra-household allocation of consumption in Senegal", World Bank Economic Review, 2021, issue 2, vol 35. DOI: 10.1093/wber/lhz052, (PSE working paper 2019-33 et Policy Research Working Paper;No. 9121. World Bank, Washington, DC. © World Bank. Online appendix here
- Sarah Deschenes, Christelle Dumas and Sylvie Lambert (2020): "Household Resources and Individual Strategies", World Development, vol. 135, November 2020, open access (PSE working paper 2020-22)
- Glewwe, Paul, Sylvie Lambert, and Qihui Chen (2020), “Education Production Functions: Updated Evidence from Developing Countries.” In The Economics of Education: A Comprehensive Overview, edited by Steve Bradley and Colin Green, 2nd ed., 183–216. Amsterdam: Elsevier Academic Press.
Sylvie Lambert, Dominique van de Walle and Paola Villar (2018), Marital trajectories, women's autonomy and women's wellbeing in Senegal, in Anderson, Siwan, Lori Beaman and Jean-Philippe Platteau (eds) Towards Gender Equity in Development, Chap. 2, 17-52, Oxford University Press.
- Sylvie Lambert and Pauline Rossi, (2016), "Sons as widowhood insurance: Evidence from Senegal" , Journal of Development Economics, 113-127. doi:10.1016/j.jdeveco.2016.01.004. Also: PSE working paper 2014-05, last version follow this link
- Simon Beck, Philippe De Vreyer, Sylvie Lambert, Karine Marazyan and Abla Safir (2015), « Child fostering in Senegal », Journal of Comparative Family Studies, vol 46: 57-73. (longer version : WP Cepremap Docweb 1403)
- Sylvie Lambert, Martin Ravallion and Dominique van de Walle, (2014), “Intergenerational Mobility and Interpersonal Inequality in an African Economy”, Journal of Development Economics, vol. 110(C), 327-344. (PSE Working paper 2014-02.)
- Philippe De Vreyer and Sylvie Lambert (2013) : « Household Risk Management in Senegal », background paper for the 2014 World Development Report, Managing Risk for Development, World Bank, Washington
- Gurgand M., Lambert S., Rapoport H., Zénou Y. (2012), “Migration and development: Insights from the 3rd AFD-World Bank Migration and Development Conference” Regional Science and Urban Economics, 42, 5 (2012) 761-764
- Christelle Dumas and Sylvie Lambert (2011), “Educational Achievement and Socio-economic Background : Causality and Mechanisms in Senegal”, Journal of African Economies, (2011) 20(1) : 1-26
- Sylvie Lambert, Martin Ravallion and Dominique van de Walle (2010), « A Micro-Decomposition Analysis of the Macroeconomic Determinants of Human Development », Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 72, 2 (2010) 119-145
- Paul Glewwe and Sylvie Lambert (2010) “Education Production Functions : Evidence from Developing Countries”, In : Penelope Peterson, Eva Baker, Barry McGaw, (Editors), International Encyclopedia of Education. volume 2, pp. 412-422. Oxford : Elsevier.
- Philippe DeVreyer, Sylvie Lambert, Abla Safir et Momar Sylla (2008), « Pauvreté et Structure Familiale : Pourquoi une nouvelle enquête ? », Statéco, n°102.
- Christelle Dumas et Sylvie Lambert (2008), Le travail des enfants : quelles politiques pour quels résultats ?, édition rue d’Ulm, collection du Cepremap, n°11.
- Antoine Bommier et Sylvie Lambert (2004), "Human capital investments and family composition", Applied Economics Letters, 11(3).
Bénédicte de la Brière, Elisabeth Sadoulet , Alain de Janvry et Sylvie Lambert (2002), "The Role of Gender, Age, and Family Composition in Explaining Remittances", Journal of Development Economics, (68)2 pp. 309-328.
Antoine Bommier et Sylvie Lambert (2000), "Education Demand and Age at School Enrolment in Tanzania", Journal of Human Resources, Volume 35, Number 1, Winter 2000.