Séminaire Brown Bag sur l’économie de l’innovation
Ce séminaire est co-organisé par le Centre de l’Innovation du Collège de France, PSE et l’INSEAD. Il a lieu le vendredi matin sur le site du Collège de France au 5 rue d’Ulm (75005).
Ce séminaire porte principalement sur l’économie de l’innovation, mais reste ouvert aux travaux portant sur d’autres thématiques (particulièrement en Labor Economics et Public Economics). Il vise à fournir un cadre convivial dans lequel des recherches en cours peuvent être discutées. Le séminaire est prioritairement consacré aux présentations de chercheurs et doctorants affiliés au Centre de l’Innovation du Collège de France, à PSE, ou à l’INSEAD mais il accueille également des présentations de chercheurs externes.
Ce séminaire est organisé par Philippe Aghion.
Si vous souhaitez faire une présentation au cours de l’année et réserver une date, vous pouvez contacter Claudia Nobile (claudia.nobile chez psemail.eu), Luc Paluskiewicz (luc.paluskiewicz chez psemail.eu) et Raphaël Wargon (raphael.wargon chez psemail.eu).
- Vendredi 18 octobre 2024 10:00-12:00
- 3 rue d'Ulm, Collège de France, 75005 Paris
- ANDRÉ Loris (PSE) : Economic growth and biodiversity: a sectoral model.
- GUAITOLI Gabriele (INSEAD) : Firm Localness and Spatial Labour Misallocation.
- Vendredi 15 novembre 2024 10:30-12:30
- Collège de France, 3 rue d'Ulm, 75005 Paris
- PONCET Sandra (PSE) : *
- ANTOINE Hubert de Fraisse (HEC) : *
- Vendredi 6 décembre 2024 10:30-12:30
- Collège de France, 3 rue d'Ulm, 5005 Paris
- AGHION Philippe (Collège de France) : A Theory of Endogenous Degrowth and Environmental Sustainability.
- ROULET Alexandra (INSEAD) : *
- Vendredi 10 janvier 2025 10:00-12:00
- FELIU Justine (PSE) : *
- Vendredi 14 février 2025 10:00-12:00
- ABAY Tuna (European University Institute) : *
- BERGEAUD Antonin (HEC)
- Vendredi 14 mars 2025 10:00-12:00
- 3 rue d'Ulm, Collège de France, 75005 Paris
- CHANIOT Jean-Baptiste (HEC) : *
- CAPRETTINI Bruno (University of St Gallen)
- Vendredi 11 avril 2025 10:00-12:00
- 3 rue d'Ulm, Collège de France, 75005 Paris
- RUZIC Dimitrije (INSEAD)
- Vendredi 16 mai 2025 10:00-12:00
- 3 rue d'Ulm, Collège de France, 75005 Paris
- MALGOUYRES Clement (CREST) : *
- HOLZHEU Kerstin (Sciences Po)
- Vendredi 13 juin 2025 10:00-12:00
- 3 rue d'Ulm, Collège de France, 75005 Paris
- BECHICHI Nagui (PSE) : *
- Vendredi 20 septembre 2024 10:00-12:00
- 3 rue d’Ulm 75005 Paris
- ARAGONESES Martin (INSEAD) : The Firm Life Cycle Origins of the Aggregate Investment Puzzle
- CHOI Jaedo (Federal Reserve Board of Governors) : From Adoption to Innovation: State-Dependent Technology Policy in Developing Countries
- RésuméMartin Aragoneses: The decline in US investment after the 1980s is puzzling because profits increased and interest rates fell, which should have stimulated investment. I find the decline in the startup rate of new businesses is behind this missing investment boom puzzle. Confidential micro data from the US Census shows a striking divergence between micro and macro trends: investment increased by 10% for the average firm despite a 14.5% decline in aggregate investment. Changes in the firm age distribution masked this investment boom from aggregate data. Fewer births aged firms and depressed aggregate investment because older firms invest less intensely despite being more profitable. In a calibrated firm dynamics model, firm aging due to falling entry explains 80% of the investment trend decline from 11.5% to 9% of GDP between 1980 and 2010. Given historical changes in startup rates, the life cycle model rationalizes the boom and bust in aggregate investment and its puzzling relation with profits and interest rates since the 1950s. Consistent with the model, cross-country data shows rising investment and falling profits amidst a resurgence in startup activity since 2010. Jaedo Choi: Should policymakers in developing countries prioritize foreign technology adoption over domestic innovation? How might this depend on development stages? Using historical technology transfer data from South Korea, we find that greater productivity gaps with foreign firms correlate with larger productivity growth after adoption, despite lower fees. Furthermore, non-adopters increased patent citations to foreign sellers, suggesting knowledge spillovers. Motivated by these findings, we build a two-country growth model with innovation and adoption. As the gaps narrow, productivity gains and spillovers from adoption diminish and foreign sellers strategically raise fees due to intensified competition, which renders adoption subsidies less effective. Korea’s shift from adoption to innovation subsidies substantially contributed to growth and welfare. We also explore the optimal policy and its interaction with import tariffs.
- Vendredi 7 juin 2024 10:00-12:30
- Collège de France (5 rue d'Ulm, 75005)
- GALBIATI Roberto (Sciences Po) : Science under Inquisition: The allocation of talent in early modern Europe
- WARGON Raphaël (PSE) : How to Silence Researchers? Evidence from Illiberal Hungary
- Vendredi 28 avril 2023 10:00-11:00
- https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85442648435?pwd=RVZGOWgyTm9VZjFFM3NnR09RbVNhdz09
- The taxation of couples
- Pierre Boyer École polytechnique–CREST
- RésuméThis paper studies the tax treatment of couples. We use two different approaches. One is tailored to the analysis of tax systems that stick to the principle that the tax base for couples is the sum of their incomes. One is tailored to the analysis of reforms toward individual taxation. We study the US federal income tax since the 1960s through the lens of this framework. We find that, in the recent past, realizing efficiency gains requires lowering marginal tax rates for secondary earners. We also find that revenue-neutral reforms towards individual taxation are in the interest of couples with high secondary earnings while couples with low secondary earnings are worse off. The support for such a reform recently passed the majority threshold. It is rejected, however, by a Rawlsian social welfare function. Thus, there is a tension between Rawlsian and Feminist notions of social welfare.
- Vendredi 31 mars 2023 10:00-11:00
- https://insead.zoom.us/j/91768711761?pwd=N214Q3MrRHZBRkdua21OajBaWStUQT09
- EECKHOUT Jan (UPF Barcelona) : Killer Innovation: The Macroeconomic Implications of Strategic Investment that affects Market Structure, with Renjie Bao (Princeton)
- Jan Eeckhout (UPF Barcelona)
- RésuméWe propose a theory of innovation where incumbent firms strategically invest excessively in innovation to deter entry and reduce competition. In our quantitative exercise we find that the phenomenon of killer innovation becomes pervasive during the 2000s and remains at a high level until now. We also identify a large efficiency loss from the resulting market power due to killer innovation, in excess of 15% of aggregate output in 2019. Large firms over-invest and small firms under-invest or do not enter the market. Finally, we investigate a set of counterfactual policies and find that a 10% profit tax on incumbents can enhance social welfare by 5.3% in 2019, while a 10% entry subsidy leads to inefficient innovation entrants that harms the economy.
- Vendredi 17 mars 2023 10:00-11:00
- George Chondrakis (ESADE Business School) ; Rosemarie H. Ziedonis (Imperial College London Business School)
- RésuméMarkets for technology can provide important opportunities for firms to reinforce their competitive position. However, participating in markets for technology can also reveal important information to competitors. In this paper, we study this tension by exploring the strategic disclosure of patent acquisitions and the conditions under which firms will trade the benefits of competitor deterrence for those of secrecy. We develop a model where firms choose their optimal disclosure policy based on the costs of imitation and the effectiveness of competitor deterrence. We test the predictions of the model using data on patent assignments and examining the recording lag between execution date and registration date with the USPTO. We find that the recording lag for patent assignments is high for newer technologies, and when the assignee lacks a reputation for enforcement. Additional analyses reveal that a) an increase in the enforceability of business method and software patents reduces the recording lag for assignments including such patents, and b) regulatory changes increasing patent disclosure, and thus that lower imitation costs, reduce the recording lag in patent assignments.
- Vendredi 3 mars 2023 10:00-11:00
- Does Chinese Research Hinge on US Coauthors ? Evidence from the China Initiative
- Céline Antonin, Luc Paluskiewicz, David Strömberg, Xueping Sun, Raphaël Wargon et Karolina Westin
- RésuméLaunched in November 2018, the China Initiative was meant to protect US intellectual property and technologies against Chinese Economic Espionage. In practice, it made administrative procedures more complicated and funding less accessible for collaborative projects between Chinese and US researchers. In this paper we use information from the Scopus database to analyze how the China Initiative shock affected the volume, quality and direction of Chinese research. We find a negative effect of the Initiative on the average quality of both, the publications and the co-authors of Chinese researchers with prior US collaborations. Moreover, this negative effect has been stronger for Chinese researchers with higher research productivity and/or who worked on US-dominated topics prior to the shock. Finally, we find that Chinese researchers with prior US collaborations reallocated towards European coauthors after the shock, and also towards more basic research.
- Vendredi 3 février 2023 10:00-11:00
- https://insead.zoom.us/j/91768711761?pwd=N214Q3MrRHZBRkdua21OajBaWStUQT09
- RUANE Cian (IMF) : Worker Mobility in Production Networks
- RésuméAbstract: This paper documents that workers tend to find jobs through their employers' production networks. Employer-employee data, matched with the universe of firm-to-firm transactions for the Dominican Republic, reveals that one fifth of workers who change firm move to a buyer or supplier of their original employer - significantly more than predicted by standard labor market characteristics. Hiring from buyers or suppliers accounts for the majority of net job flows to higher wage and productivity firms. An event-study shows that moving to a buyer or supplier results in a persistent 6.7 p.p. increase in earnings relative to other movers. One third of this premium is due to supply chain movers earning more than other workers hired at the same firm. We present evidence that this higher match quality can be explained by human capital transferability along the supply chain. Our results point to a new channel through which factors affecting the supply chain, such as international outsourcing or contracting frictions, affect labor market dynamism.
- Texte intégral [pdf]
- Lundi 13 octobre 2014 17:00-18:15
- MSE(106-112, boulevard de l'Hôpital - Salle du 6ème étage) 75647 Paris Cedex 13
- SZALAY Dezso (BONN) : Brown Bag Economics of Innovation Seminar
- RésuméWe study strategic information transmission in a Sender-Receiver game where players' optimal actions depend on the realization of multiple signals but the players disagree on the relative importance of each piece of news. We characterize a statistical environment - featuring symmetric loss functions and elliptically distributed parameters - in which the Sender's expected utility depends only on the first moment of his posterior. Despite disagreement about the use of underlying signals, we demonstrate the existence of equilibria in differentiable strategies in which the Sender can credibly communicate posterior means. The existence of smooth communication equilibria depends on the relative usefulness of the signal structure to Sender and Receiver, respectively. We characterize extensive forms in which the quality of information is optimally designed of equal importance to Sender and Receiver so that the best equilibrium in terms of ex ante expected payoffs is a smooth communication equilibrium. The quality of smooth equilibrium communication is entirely determined by the correlation of interests. Senders with better aligned preferences are endogenously endowed with better information and therefore give more accurate advice.
- Texte intégral [pdf]
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- Transition to Green Technology along the Supply Chain