La science économique au service de la société
Katheline Schubert

Katheline Schubert

Professeure titulaire d'une chaire à PSE

Professeure émérite Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

Campus Jourdan – 48 boulevard Jourdan 75014 Paris

4e étage, bureau 69

Tél. 01 80 52 18 21

  • Economie du changement climatique
  • Croissance et développement durable
  • Fiscalité verte
  • Transition énergétique


Recent publications


Selected peer-reviewed publications


The Economics of Border Carbon Adjustment: Rationale and Impacts of Compensating for Carbon at the Border, Annual Reviews of Economics, to appear, 2023 (with Lionel Fontagné).

Critical raw materials for the energy transition, European Economic Review, 141, 2022 (with Francesco Ricci and Aude Pommeret).

Optimal energy transition with variable and intermittent renewable electricity generation, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 134, 2022 (with Aude Pommeret).

Benefit-Cost Analysis for climate action, Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis, 12(3), 494-517, 2021 (with Dominique Bureau and Alain Quinet).

Prevention and mitigation of epidemics:  biodiversity conservation and confinement policies. Journal of Mathematical Economics, 93, 2021 (with Emmanuelle Augeraud-Véron and Giorgio Fabbri).

Unilateral CO2 reduction policy with more than one carbon energy source. Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 8(3), 2021 (with Julien Daubanes and Fanny Henriet).

Volatility-reducing biodiversity conservation under strategic interactions, Ecological Economics, 190, 2021 (with Emmanuelle Augeraud-Véron and Giorgio Fabbri).

How important are uncertainty and dynamics for environmental and climate policy? Some analytics. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 97, 1-22, 2019 (with Sjak Smulders).

The value of biodiversity as an insurance device. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 101(4), 1068-1081, 2019 (with Emmanuielle Augeraud-Véron and Giorgio Fabbri).

Is shale gas a good bridge to renewables? An application to Europe. Environmental and Resource Economics, 72(3), 721-762, 2019 (with Fanny Henriet).

Intertemporal emission permits trading under uncertainty and irreversibility. Environmental and Resource Economics, 71(1), 75-97, 2018 (with Aude Pommeret).

To what extent is aquaculture socially beneficial? A theoretical analysis, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 99(1), 186-206, 2017 (with Esther Regnier).

Should the carbon price be the same in all countries? Journal of Public Economic Theory, 18(5), 709--724, 2016 (with Antoine d’Autume and Cees Withagen).

A never-decisive and anonymous criterion for optimal growth models, Economic Theory, 55, 281-306, 2014 (with Alain Ayong Le Kama, Thai Ha-Huy and Cuong Le Van).

A stylized applied energy-economy model for France, The Energy Journal, 35(4), 1-38, 2014 (with Fanny Henriet and Nicolas Maggiar).

Carbon tax and OPEC’s rents under a ceiling constraint, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 113(4), 798-824, 2011 (with Rémy Dullieux and Lionel Ragot).

Optimal use of a polluting non-renewable resource generating both manageable and catastrophic damages, Annals of Economics and Statistics, 103/104, 107-142, 2011 (with Jean-Pierre Amigues and Michel Moreaux).

With exhaustible resources, can a developing country escape from the poverty trap? Journal of Economic Theory, 145(6), 2435-2447, 2010 (with Cuong Le Van and Thu Anh Nguyen).

Demographic-economic equilibria when the age at motherhood is endogenous, Journal of Mathematical Economics, 46(6), 1211-1221, 2010 (with Hippolyte d'Albis and Emmanuelle Augeraud-Véron).

The zero discounting and maximin optimal paths in a simple model of global warming, Mathematical Social Sciences, 59(2), 193-207, 2010 (with Antoine d'Autume and John M. Hartwick).

Abatement technology adoption under uncertainty, Macroeconomic Dynamics, 13(4), 493-522, 2009 (with Aude Pommeret).

Zero discounting and optimal path of depletion of an exhaustible resource with an amenity value, Revue d'Economie Politique, 119(6), 827-845, 2008 (with Antoine d'Autume).

Hartwick's rule and maximin paths when the exhaustible resource has an amenity value, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 56(3), 260-274, 2008 (with Antoine d'Autume).

The optimal carbon sequestration in agricultural soils: do the dynamics of the physical process matter? Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 32(12), 3847-3865, 2008 (with Lionel Ragot).


Books and reports


Le triple défi de la réforme du marché européen de l’électricité, Conseil d’analyse économique, n°76, 2023 (with Dominique Bureau et Jean-Michel Glachant).

La transition énergétique : objectif ZEN, Opuscule du CEPREMAP n°57, Editions rue d’Ulm, 2021 (with Fanny Henriet).

Biodiversité en danger : quelle réponse économique ? Conseil d’analyse économique, n°59, 2020 (with Dominique Bureau and Jean-Christophe Bureau).

Pour le climat : une taxe juste, pas juste une taxe. Conseil d'analyse économique, n°50, 2019 (with Dominique Bureau and Fanny Henriet).

L’impact de l’Accord Économique et Commercial Global entre l’Union européenne et le Canada (AECG/CETA) sur l’environnement, le climat et la santé, Rapport au Premier ministre, 2017.

Commerce et climat : pour une réconciliation. Conseil d’analyse économique, n°37, 2017 (with Dominique Bureau and Lionel Fontagné).

Pour la taxe carbone. La politique économique face à la menace climatique, Opuscule du CEPREMAP n°18,  Editions rue d’Ulm, 2009.