Claudia Senik
Professeure titulaire d'une chaire à PSE
Professeur Sorbonne Université
Research Fellow IZA
Campus Jourdan – 48 Boulevard Jourdan 75014 Paris
3e étage, bureau 05
Tél. 01 80 52 18 55 / 06 16 55 75 15
Directrice de l'Observatoire du Bien-Être (Cepremap)
claudia.senik chez
claudia.senik chez
- Économie expérimentale
- Bien-être
- Economie du bonheur
- Economie démographique et économie de la famille
- Santé
- Retraites
- Economie comportementale
- Economie expérimentale
From Pink-Collar to Lab Coat: Cultural Persistence and Diffusion of Socialist Gender Norms, with Naomi Friedman-Sokuler, Journal of Population Economics, 2024, forthcoming.
--> Slides- Teleworking and Life Satisfaction in Germany during COVID-19: The Importance of Family Structure. Claudia Senik, Anthony Lepinteur, Andrew Clark, Conchita D’Ambrosio and Carsten Schröder. Journal of Population Economics, 37(1), 2024.
- Time-Use and Subjective Well-Being: Is Diversity Really the Spice of Life? Naomi Friedman-Sokuler and Claudia Senik, in Time Use in Economics- Research in Labor Economics 51(1): 1-34, 2024.
- Adopting telework: The causal impact of working from home on subjective well-being. Guillaume Gueguen and Claudia Senik, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 2023: 1-37.
- Feeling good is feeling better , with Alberto Prati, Psychological Science, 2022, 33(11), 1828–1841.
- Happier Elderly Residents. The positive impact of physical activity on objective and subjective health condition of elderly people in nursing homes. Evidence from a multi-site randomized controlled trial. with Claudia Senik, Guglielmo Zappalà, Carine Milcent, Chloé Gerves-Pinquié, and Patricia Dargent-Molina, Applied research in Quality of Life, 2021.
Undoing gender with institutions. Lessons from the German division and reunification, with Quentin Lippmann and Alexandre Georgieff, The Economic Journal, 2020, 130(629), 1445–1470.
Quantifying the Intangible Impact of the Olympics Using Subjective Well-Being Data. With Paul Dolan, Georgios Kavetsos, Christian Krekel, Dimitris Mavridis, Robert Metcalfe, Stefan Szymanski, and Nicolas Ziebarth. Journal of Public Economics, 2019, vol 117.
- Preferences over income distribution: Evidence from a choice experiment. With Sophie Cêtre, Max Lobeck, and Thierry Verdier Journal of Economic Psychology, 2019, 74.
- Retirement and Unexpected Health Shock, with Benedicte Apouey and Cahit Guven, Economics and Human Biology, 2019, Volume 33, 116-123.
- Well-Being Through the Lens of the Internet, with Yann Algan, Elizabeth Beasley, Fabrice Murtin and Kazuhito Higa, PLoS ONE, 2019, 14(1): e0211586.
- Math, Girls, and Socialism, with Quentin Lippmann, Journal of Comparative Economics, 2018, 46(3), 874-888.
- The impact of institution use on the wellbeing of Alzheimer's disease patients and their caregivers, with Benedicte Apouey and Thomas Rapp, Social Science & Medicine, 2018, 207, 1-10.
- Gender gaps in subjective wellbeing: a new paradox to explore. Review of Behavioral Economics, 2017, 4(4), 349-369.
- When experienced and decision utility concur: The case of income comparisons, with Andrew Clark and Katsunori Yamada. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 2017, 70: 1–9.
- Happy People Have Children. Choice and Self-Selection into Parenthood. with Andrew Clark and Sophie Cêtre, European Journal of Population, 2016, 32(3), 445-473.
- Economic Growth Evens-Out Happiness: Evidence from Six Surveys, with Andrew Clark and Sarah Flèche. Review of Income and Wealth, 2016, 62(3), 405-419.
- Wage comparisons in and out of the firm. Evidence from a Matched Employer-Employee French Database, with Olivier Godechot. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2015, 117: 395-410.
- Why are the French so Unhappy ? The Cultural Dimension of Happiness, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2014, 106: 379-401.
- Wealth and Happiness. Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 2014, 30(2), 92-108.
- Learning, Political Attitudes and the Crisis. Lessons from Transition countries, with Pauline Grosjean and Frantisek Ricka, Journal of Comparative Economics, 2013, 41(2), 490–505.
- "You can't be happier than your wife. Happiness Gaps and Divorce, with Cahit Guven and Holger Stichnoth, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2012, 82(1). 110–130.
- Democracy, Market Liberalization and Political Preferences, with Pauline Grosjean, Review of Economics and Statistics, 2011, 93(1), 365-381.
- La croissance du PIB rendra-t-elle les habitants des pays en développement plus heureux?, avec Andrew Clark, Revue d'économie du développement, numéro spécial "Mesure pour mesure: sait-on vraiment mesurer le développement?", 2011 (2-3), 113-199.
- Is Happiness Different From Flourishing? Cross-Country Evidence from the ESS, with Andrew E. Clark, Revue d’économie politique 2011 (1), 17-34.
- Who compares to whom? The anatomy of income comparisons in Europe, with Andrew Clark, The Economic Journal, 2010, 120, 573–594.
- The Emerging Aversion to Inequality. Evidence from Poland 1992-2005, with Irena Grosfeld, Economics of Transition, 2010, 18(1) 1–26.
- Segregation, Entrepreneurship and Work Values: the Case of France, with Thierry Verdier, Journal of Population Economics, 2011. 24(4).
- Direct Evidence on Income Comparison and their Welfare Effects, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2009, 72, 408-424.
- Immigration and Natives’ Attitudes towards Redistribution: Evidence from the European Social Survey with Holger Stichnoth and Karine Van der Straeten, Social Indicators Research, 2009, 91(3), 345-370.
- La montée de l'aversion à l'inégalité : du temps des anticipations au temps de la déception, with Irena Grosfeld, Revue Economique, 2009, 60(3).
- Entrepreneurs, social networks and work values of ethnic minorities in France, with Thierry Verdier, International Journal of Manpower, 2008, 29(7), 610-629.
- Is Man Doomed to Progress?, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2008, 68 (1), 140-152.
- Ambition and Jealousy. Income Interactions in the Old Europe versus the New Europe and the United States, Economica, 2008, 75 (299), 495-513.
- The unexpected structure of “rents” on the French and British labour markets, with Andrew Clark, Journal of Socio-Economics, 2006, 35, 180-196. Working paper version.
- Ambition et Jalousie. la perception du revenu d’autrui dans la vieille Europe, la nouvelle Europe et les Etats-Unis, Revue Economique, 2006, 57(3), 645-653.
- La place du travail dans l’identité, with H.Garner and D. Méda, Economie et Statistiques, 2006, n° 393-394, 21-40.
- Heterogeneity and measures of well-being: evidence from twelve European countries, with Andrew Clark, Fabrice Etilé, Fabien Postel-Vinay et Karine Van der Straeten, The Economic Journal, 2005, 155, C118-C132.
- What Can we Learn from Subjective Data ? The Case of Income and Well-Being, Journal of Economic Surveys, 2005, 19 (1), 43-63.
- La conciliation vie familiale-vie professionnelle : les leçons des enquêtes auprès des ménages, with Hélène Garner et Dominique Méda, Revue Travail et Emploi, n°102, 2005.
- When Information Dominates Comparison. Learning from Russian Subjective Panel Data, Journal of Public Economics, 2004, 88, 2099-2133.
- Workers’ Heterogeneity and Risk Aversion : a Segmentation Model of the Russian Labor Market, Journal of Comparative Economics, 2001, 29, 230-256, with Irena Grosfeld, Thierry Verdier, Elena Paltseva, Stanislas Kolenikov. Abstract
- Le marché du travail russe, entre inertie et flexibilité, with Irena Grosfeld, Thierry Verdier, Revue d’Etudes Comparatives Est-Ouest, 1999, 30 (2-3).
- Trois enjeux des privatisations à l'Est, with Irena Grosfeld, Revue Economique, 1996, 47 (6).
- Industrial Restructuring in Russia. Early Reactions of Firms to the Shock of Liberalization, with Esther Duflo, Economics of Transition, 1997, 5 (1).
- The International Competitiveness of Industries in Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Poland, with Hughes Gordon, Hare Paul, Zemplinerova Elena, Revesz Tomas, Wiczynska Daraia, Oxford Economic Papers, New Series, 1994, 46 (2): 200-221.
- The Break-Up of the Soviet Union, with Gordon Hughes, Economic Policy, 1992, 15.
Books & chapters in books
- Le bien-être en France. Rapport 2023. CEPREMAP, Mathieu Perona et Claudia Senik eds. 2024.
voir la vidéo
- Un monde en guerre. Claudia Senik ed. La Découverte, 2024.
- Le travail à distance. Défis, enjeux, limites, ed. La Découverte, 2023.
Dans la presse : Le Point, La Tribune, Telerama, Les Echos, Causette, Le Monde, RFI, RTS, France Inter: on n'arrête pas l'éco, Alternatives économiques, L'Humanité
- Pandémies. Claudia Senik ed. La Découverte, 2022.
- Sociétés en danger. Claudia Senik ed. La Découverte, 2021.
- Les Français et l’argent. 6 nouvelles questions d’économie contemporaine. (Economiques, 5). Daniel Cohen et Claudia Senik éditeurs, Paris : Albin Michel, 2021.
- Le bien-être en France. Rapport 2020. CEPREMAP, Mathieu Perona et Claudia Senik eds. 2021.
- Wage Satisfaction and Reference Wages. Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics pp 1-13, 2021.
- Crises de confiance, Claudia Senik ed. La Découverte, 2020.
- Le bien-être en France. Rapport 2020. CEPREMAP, Mathieu Perona et Claudia Senik eds. 2021.
- Bien-être au travail : ce qui compte. Presses de SciencesPo, 2020.
- Les Français, le bonheur et l’argent. avec Yann Algan et Elizabeth Beasley, Presses de l’ENS, 2018. Opuscule du CEPREMAP n°46, Éditions Rue d’Ulm, Paris, 2018, ISBN 978-2-7288-0693-8.
- L’économie du bonheur. Seuil, La République des idées. 2014.
- Repenser le modèle social. 8 nouvelles questions d’économie contemporaine. (Economiques, 4). Daniel Cohen, Philippe Askenazy et Claudia Senik éditeurs, Paris : Albin Michel, 2017.
- Bien ou mal payés? Les travailleurs du public et du privé jugent leurs salaires, avec Christian Baudelot, Damien Cartron, Jérome Gautié, Olivier Godechot, CEPREMAP, opuscule n°35, Editions rue d'Ulm-Presses de l'ENS, 2014.
- Happiness and Economic Growth: Lessons from Developing Countries, 2014. Conference Volume, Clark A. and Senik C. eds., Oxford University Press.
- The Great Happiness Moderation, avec Andrew Clark et Sarah Flèche, in Clark A. and Senik C. eds. Happiness and Economic Growth: Lessons from Developing Countries. Oxford University Press, 2014.
- Inégalités et bonheur. In La France des inégalités. Réalités et perceptions. Galland (ed.), Paris, Presses de l’Université Paris Sorbonne, 2016.
- Income Comparisons and Financial satisfaction in China, avec Andrew Clark, in Clark A. and Senik C. eds. Happiness and Economic Growth: Lessons from Developing Countries. Oxford University Press, 2014.
- Le caractère cyclique des croyances et attitudes politiques. L’exemple des pays d’Europe central et orientale, in Daniel Cohen et Philippe Askenazy eds, 5 Crises. 11 nouvelles questions d’économie contemporaine (Economiques, 2), Albin Michel, 2013.
- The Causes of Happiness and Misery, with Andrew Clark and Richard Layard. Chapter 2 in John Helliwell, Richard Layard and Jeffrey Sachs eds. World Happiness Report, 2012, The Earth Institute at Columbia University, CIFAR and Centre for Economic Performance at the LSE, pp. 58-89.
- Will GDP Growth Increase Happiness in Developing Countries?, with Andrew Clark, Conference volume of the 8th Conference AFD-EUDN, Measure for Measure. How well do we Measure Development?, December 2010, Paris.
- Will GDP Growth Increase Happiness in Developing Countries?, with Andrew Clark, Conference Volume of the 8th AFD-EUDN Conference: Measure for Measure. How Well do we Measure Development? Paris: STIN, 2012. pp. 99-176.
- The Intangible Transition with Pauline Grosjean and Frantisek Ricka, Chapter 3 in Transition Report, EBRD, 2011.
- Cultural and Economic Integration in France, with Yann Algan and Camille Landais, in Yann Algan, Alberto Bisin, Alan Manning et Thierry Verdier eds. Cultural and Economic integration in Europe, Oxford University Press, 2012.
- Peut-on dire que les Français sont malheureux?, in Daniel Cohen, Philippe Askenazy eds. Economiques, 2, Albin Michel, 2009.
- La croissance rend-elle heureux ?, with Andrew Clark, in Daniel Cohen et Philippe Askenazy eds, Economiques, 1, Albin Michel, 2008.
- Comment mesurer le bien-être ?, Actes du colloque "Un bilan de la réalité sociale : Quels enjeux de société communs aux Européens ? Quelles réalités sociales spécifiques à la France?" Centre d’Analyse Stratégique, 29 octobre 2007.
- Territoires, bien-être et politiques publiques, Note du CAE n°55, janvier 2020, avec Yann Algan et Clément Malgouyres.
- The Impact of the Socialist Episode on Gender Norms in Germany, with Quentin Lippmann, in Institutions and Economics: 30 Years After the Fall of the Iron Curtain. DICE Report 2019, 17(3), 30-36.
- Gender Gaps in Subjective Wellbeing. Research Report. ENEGE. European Commission - Directorate-General for Justice. Luxembourg, Publication Office of the European Union, 2015. ISBN 978-92-79-54157-5. doi: 10.2838/670788
- « Evaluation d’un programme d’activité physique adaptée à un public de personnes âgées ». Note IPP n°16, janvier 2015, avec Chloe Gerves et Carine Milcent.
- "Income Distribution and Subjective Happiness: A Survey”, OECD Social Employment and Migration Working Papers n° 96, 2009.
- Conseil d'Analyse Economique, La santé mentale: l'affaire de tous. Rapport sous la direction de V. Kovess-Masfety, 2009.
- "Transition économique et transition politique", Histoire et liberté, 2009, 39, 29-45.
- Rapporteur, avec Camille Landais, de La France prépare mal l’avenir de sa jeunesse, Académie des sciences morales et politiques, Seuil, collection L’histoire immédiate, 2007.