La science économique au service de la société
Elena Stancanelli

Elena Stancanelli

Professeure à PSE

Directrice de Recherche CNRS

Campus Jourdan – 49 Boulevard Jourdan 75014 Paris

3e étage, bureau 09

  • Economie démographique et économie de la famille
  • Marché du travail


PhD in economics, European University Institute, Florence, Italy, 1990-1994.  

Awarded 19 September 1994.  

Title: “The Probability of Leaving Unemployment: Some New Evidence for the UK”.  

Supervisor:  John Micklewright (PhD LSE).

Co-supervisor: Robert Waldmann (PhD Harvard)

Jury external members:  Geert Ridder ; Jules Theeuwes; Ugo Trivellato.


« Habilitation à diriger de Recherches » (Higher Degree similar to the German Habilitation) in economics, University Paris 1 Sorbonne Panthéon, awarded 26 October 2007.


Master (M. A.) in economics, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK, 1988-1989. 


First Degree in Economics and Business, University of Genoa, Italy, 1983-1988.