La science économique au service de la société
Elena Stancanelli

Elena Stancanelli

Professeure à PSE

Directrice de Recherche CNRS

Campus Jourdan – 49 Boulevard Jourdan 75014 Paris

3e étage, bureau 09

  • Economie démographique et économie de la famille
  • Marché du travail

Society of the Economics of the HOusehold (SEHO)

Association de l'Economie des Menages (Society of Economics of the HOusehold | SEHO)

 The Society of Economics of the HOusehold (SEHO) was founded by Shoshana Grossbard in 2017.

SEHO counts over 400 members in 34 countries, spanning all continents seho-member-list.pdf .

 Household economics is defined as the economic analysis of household decisions, including decisions regarding consumption, labor supply and other uses of time, household formation and dissolution, demand for health and other forms of human capital, fertility and investment in children’s human capital, demand for environmental and other public goods, migration, demand for religiosity, and decisions by agricultural households.

The first meetings of SEHO were held June 25 and 26 2017, in San Diego California. 2017 SEHO meetings Program where I was elected President-elect of SEHO.

 The 2018 meetings of Society of the Economics of the HOusehold (SEHO) were held on 23rd and 24th May  at the Paris School of Economics. and I was the main organizer   2018 SEHO Paris program

 The 2019 SEHO meetings were held in Lisbon on 27th and 28th May.  [doc8443]

 The  2020 SEHO meetings were to be held in Venice on 20th and 21st May (cancelled) and I overviewed their organization.

The 2021 SEHO meetings took place virtually in Boston on 24th and 25th May, and I co-organized them.

 The 2022 meeting of SEHO will be held at UCL London.