Economics serving society

Graph | When urban density does not bring about productivity: the role of air pollution | P. Champalaune

Dense cities are considered both "greener" since they would emit less CO2 per capita and more productive, since they would allow agglomeration economies (infrastructure sharing, technological spillovers...).

However, urban density also induces higher local pollution, which reduces overall productivity.

Through this graph, Pascale Champalaune deciphers this phenomenon and proposes solutions to remedy this problem.

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Pascale Champalaune is a PhD student at the Paris School of Economics and at the École normale supérieure - PSL. Her research is at the intersection of environmental economics and urban economics. She works primarily on environmental inequalities in France, with a particular focus on air pollution and urban dynamics.

Based on the work :

  • Working paper: Champalaune P., Agglomeration Economies, City Structure and Air Pollution.

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* This graph is part of the Economics for everybody formula.