La science économique au service de la société
Jean-Pierre Danthine

Jean-Pierre Danthine

Professeur associé à PSE

Professeur et Co-Directeur Collège du Management de l'EPFL

Chargé de cours Paris School of Economics

Campus Jourdan – 48 Boulevard Jourdan 75014 Paris

5e étage, bureau 56

Tél. 01 80 52 17 05

Groupes de recherche : Macroéconomie
  • Risque
  • Économie politique et institutions
  • Economie financière


Recent courses

  • Columbia Business School - MBA program (Fall 2016). Central Banking after the Crisis – A European Perspective. Download the course content
  • EIEF - Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance (May 2016). Topics in Banking and Banking Regulation. Download the Syllabus
  • PSE - PPD - M1 - Spring 2017
    Macroeconomic Policies, avec Julia Schmidt. Download the Syllabus


Doctoral Theses directed

  • Michel Peytrignet, (DEEP), "Dynamisation d'un modèle macroéconomique à prix et salaire fixes: version théorique, simulations numériques et applications illustratives", 1985.
  • Michel Girardin (DEEP), "Cycles conjoncturels en Suisse et aux Etats-Unis: Analyse des composantes cycliques des principaux agrégats économiques et des écarts entre les taux de change et la partie du pouvoir d'achat", 1991
  • Jean-Paul Theler (DEEP), "Asset Pricing and Trading Volume: Three Essays", 1994.
  • Nannette Hechler (DEEP), "Three Essays in Dynamic Macroeconomic Theory", 1995.
  • Olivier Tinguely (DEEP), "Financial Markets, Investments and the Propagation Mechanism", 1999.
  • Pascal Zurn (DEEP), "Studies on the health economics of infectious diseases", 2002.
  • Fabio Alessandrini (DEEP), "On the impact of financial markets on the real economy: further empirical and theoretical evidence", 2002.
  • Roger Walder (FAME), "Interactions between market and credit risk: estimation and implications for portfolio and risk management", 2002.
  • Paul Ehling (FAME), "Asset Pricing and International Finance", 2003.
  • Isabelle Dauner (DEEP), "Cash or Cows? Household Saving and Portfolio Choices in Developing countries", 2004.
  • Xiangrong Jin (FAME), "Essays on Asset Pricing and Asset Allocation", 2005.
  • Aleksandar Georgiev (DEEP), "Three essays in Financial Economics: Asset Pricing, Optimal Portfolio Selection and Financial Integration", 2006.
  • Damjan Kozamernick (DEEP), "Employment Risk, Unemployment Insurance and Search Strategies: a Disaggregated Equilibrium Approach with Application to the Swiss Labor Market in the 1990's", 2006.
  • Lukas Schmid,(Swiss Finance Institute), "Financing Frictions and the Cross-section of Returns", October 2007.
  • Elmar Mertens (DEEP), "Three Essays on the Determinants of Output, Inflation and Interest Rates", October 2007.