January 2018
Preparation for old age in France: The roles of preferences and expectations - Bénédicte Apouey
The ageing of the population poses a number of challenges, in particular of actions that can be taken to improve the well-being of seniors. At the individual level, we know that preparing for old age improves our quality of life in later years...
- Short link: http://bit.ly/2GrQq3u
Minimum Wages and the Labor Market Effects of Immigration - Anthony Edo and Hillel Rapoport
The labour market effect of immigration is one of the most controversially discussed issues in modern labour economics. In theory, after an immigration-induced labour supply shock wages are expected to fall. In the real world three reasons may prevent this...
- Short link: http://bit.ly/2Gv3ipC
Intergenerational Wealth Mobility in France, 19th and 20th Century - Jérôme Bourdieu, Lionel Kesztenbaum, Gilles Postel-Vinay and Akiko Suwa-Eisenmann
The study of wealth mobility is a complement to the analysis of inequality: the latter gives an idea of income and wealth distribution at a given moment, while the former reveals a society’s capacity for renewal by showing where successive generations of a family are placed on the inheritance ladder...
- Short link: http://bit.ly/2DOD5k1
Why do French Engineers Find Stable Jobs Faster than PhDs? - David Margolis et Luis Miotti
France finds itself in a paradoxical situation regarding the entry of its most qualified students into the labour market. Students with a degree in engineering find their first stable job (with an ongoing contract, or as a public servant) more rapidly than those with a doctorate...
- Short link: http://bit.ly/2FnDme3
Do Security Prices Rise or Fall When Margins Are Raised? - Jean-Marc Bottazzi, Mário Páscoa et Guillermo Ramírez
Without rehypothecation, raised margin typically decreases the price of the collateral (houses prices for mortgage, or the price of other collateral used to asset back securities). In fact, the only leverage provided is to the long side of the collateral market, who is funding collateral purchases...
- Short link: http://bit.ly/2DUe7D0