La science économique au service de la société

May 2018

Fertility, household size and poverty in Nepall

François Libois and Vincent Somville

Awareness-raising campaigns about fertility and family planning are widespread in developing countries. The implicit argument underlying many of these campaigns is that having many children impoverishes already precarious households...


Selling with Evidence

Frédéric Koessler and Vasiliki Skreta

Seen from a traditional perspective, the information economy teaches us that information asymmetry between a seller and a buyer creates a problem called “adverse selection”. If the quality of the good cannot be verified, then only bad quality goods will be present on the market...


Childhood Circumstances and Young Adulthood Outcomes : The Effects of Mothers’ Financial Problems

Marta Barazzetta, Andrew E. Clark and Conchita D’Ambrosio

The global financial crisis of 2007-2008 has had evident negative effects on households’ incomes, debt and insecurity. These have undoubtedly reduced the well-being of those directly concerned by job loss and lower incomes...


Up-coding and heterogeneity in hospitals’ response : A Natural Experiment

Carine Milcent

Since 2004, French hospitals, both public and private, have been subject to Tarification à l’Activité (T2A, Activity-based costing) which has spread to 100% coverage in 2008. This mode of costing has been generally adopted by all developed countries, with differing degrees of rigidity...


Can We Identify the Fed’s Preferences ?

Kirsten Ralf and Jean-Bernard Chatelain

In 1973, two engineers, Marwan Simaan and Jose Cruz, showed that an actor in a dominant position (a central bank, for example) that influences choices made by other actors in tracking positions (e.g. the private sector) have an initial optimal policy that changes with each period...
