Economics serving society

The question to... Hillel Rapoport | Refugees and economic reconstruction

Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, 5 million Ukrainian refugees have received temporary protection from the European Union, which allows them to work in their European host country. Hillel Rapoport and his co-authors address the issue of the participation of refugees in the economic recovery of their country, once they are back, through the example of the Yugoslav Wars.

Hillel Rapoport is professor at the Paris School of Economics and at the university Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. He holds the International Migration Economics Chair and is also PSE’s director of International Relations.

Learn more

Bahar D., Hauptmann A., Özgüzel C. & Rapoport H., 2022, "Migration and knowledge diffusion: The effect of returning refugees on export performance in the former Yugoslavia", The Review of Economics and Statistics, 1-50.

Blinov O. & Djankov S., 2022, "Ukraine’s recovery challenge",

Fasani F., Frattini T. & Minale L., 2021, "Lift the ban? Initial employment restrictions and refugee labour market outcomes", Journal of the European economic association 19(5): October.

Eichengreen B. & Rashkovan V., “How to organise aid”,

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