Economics serving society

Editorial | Why Economists should care about international migration | Hillel Rapoport

In this editorial, Hillel Rapoport outlines the discipline of "the economics of international migration" and develops three fundamental issues: economic growth, integration, and the question of populism.

International migration has major economic consequences for both sending and receiving countries. It influences the movement of goods, capital, and productive knowledge, as well as the way the global economy is structured. Economics, which models individual choices in particular, can be relevant for understanding the decision to migrate, the effects of immigration on attitudes in host countries, or for evaluating integration policies.
The issues at stake in the economic analysis of international migration are therefore not only economic, but also political, societal and cultural.

Read the full article: "Why economists should be interested in international migration" by Hillel Rapoport

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Hillel Rapoport is Professor and Director of International Relations at Paris School of Economics. His research focuses on the links between migration and globalization and on the impact of migration on growth and development. He is also interested in economic history, political economy and the economics of immigration and diversity.

Read more

- Hippolyte d’Albis and Françoise Benhamou, 2022, Economists answer the populists, Editions Odile Jacob

- Hillel Rapoport and Marc Fleurbaey, 2020, "Migration and global justice", Regards Croisés sur l’Économie, 2 (27) : 161-170

- Hillel Rapoport, 2018, Rethinking immigration in France: an economic point of view, Editions de la rue d’Ulm

* This paper is part of the new Economics for everybody formula.