Economics serving society

"Les entreprises et l’égalité femmes-hommes" | Dominique Meurs

In her latest book, Dominique Meurs offers a summary of the most recent analyses of gender equality in the workplace.

Les entreprises et l’égalité femmes-hommes

Visit the page dedicated to the book on the website of Les Presses de Sciences Po.

Extract from the 4th cover


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In order to understand why professional equality between women and men, required by law, is not yet fully effective, Dominique Meurs offers in this book a synthesis of the most recent analyses carried out by economists.

According to the French Labour Code, it is "the employer’s responsibility to take into account the objectives of professional equality between women and men in the company, and the measures for achieving them".

In order to understand why this equality required by law is not yet fully effective, Dominique Meurs presents in this book a summary of the most recent analyses carried out by economists. Thanks to research partnerships with major companies, she has also been able to observe in situ the inequalities in pay and careers between women and men, and to explore some of the internal mechanisms that contribute to this ’glass ceiling’.

She shows that, while the professional world is not solely responsible for the persistence of inequalities, companies, by changing the way they are organised, can be a powerful lever for changing attitudes towards greater equality between women and men throughout society.

The author

Dominique Meurs is executive director of the Chaire Travail at the Paris School of Economics, Professor at Université Paris Nanterre and co-director of the Programme Travail et emploi (CEPREMAP). She is also affiliated with the Institut national d’études démographiques (INED) and the Institut des politiques publiques (IPP). Her research focuses on gender inequalities in the labour market.