Economics serving society

Workshop "Ineffective and insufficient? Evaluating and improving the design of sanctions", June 3

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The Paris School of Economics is glad to invite you to the "Ineffective and insufficient? Evaluating and improving the design of sanctions" workshop co-organized by the Globalization Chair.

  • Date: Monday, June 3, 2024
  • Format: Hybrid
  • Venue: Kiel Institute for the World Economy, Berlin



10:30-12:30 - Academic Session I: Sanctions and Elections

10:30-10:45 - Welcome
Julian Hinz (Kiel Institute, Bielefeld University)
Guntram Wolff (Kiel Institute, Bruegel)

10:45-11:20 - Matthieu Crozet (CEPII, Université Paris-Saclay) (online)
Blowback: The Effect of Sanctions on Democratic Election

11:20-11:55 - Robert Gold (Kiel Institute)
To Russia with Love? The Impact of Sanctions on Regime Support

11:55-12:30 - Aleksandra Peeva (Kiel Institute)
How to Find New Trade Partners When Sanctioned: Evidence from Russian Customs Data

12:30-13:20 - Lunch break

13:20-14:30 - Academic Session II: Firm-level Effectiveness of Sanctions

13:20-13:55 - Haishi Li (HKU Business School)
To Comply or Not to Comply: Understanding Developing Country Supply Chain

13:55-14:30 - Dzhamilya Nigmatulina (HEC Lausanne)
Sanctions and Misallocation: How Sanctioned Firms Won and Russians Lost

14:30- 15:00 - Coffee break

15:00-16:30 - Policy Session

15:00-15:15 - Beata Javorcik (EBRD)
Intended and Unintended Consequences of Western Sanctions on Russia

15:15-15:30 - Guntram Wolff (Kiel Institute, Bruegel)
Using the financial system to enforce export controls

15:30-16:30 - Panel: Improving the design of sanctions against Russia

16:30-17:00 - Coffee Break

17:00-18:15 - Academic Session III: Global Economic Effects of Sanctions

17:00-17:35 - Yoto Yotov (Drexel University) (online)
The Extraterritorial Effects of Sanctions

17:35-18:10 - John Sturm (Princeton University) (online)
Strategic (Dis)Integration

18:10-18:15 - Closing
Julian Hinz (Bielefeld University)


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The Globalization Chair aims to create a privileged forum for reflection, exchange and transfer between researchers and all entities of society interested in the reconfiguration of globalization and its implications. The approach favored by the chair is empirical. The research is characterized by the use of advanced econometric techniques and the exploitation of various databases combining data from companies, but also more recent sources from the media, NGOs or the monitoring of container ships.