Economics serving society

(From 4 to 28 May) Society and Environment Workshops: "Remote sensing: from the physics to the environmental data"

The PSE collaborative project Society and Environment is glad to invite you to its next workshops on the theme of remote sensing. The six sessions will be held online (Zoom) from 4 to 28 May, 2021, from 3:30pm to 5:00pm (Paris Time) by Nicolas Delbart (Université de Paris):

Remote sensing: from the physics to the environmental data

  • Tuesday, May 4 ; 3:30pm-5:00pm (Paris Time)
  • Thursday, May 6 ; 3:30pm-5:00pm (Paris Time)
  • Tuesday, May 18 ; 3:30pm-5:00pm (Paris Time)
  • Thursday, May 20 ; 3:30pm-5:00pm (Paris Time)
  • Thursday, May 27 ; 3:30pm-5:00pm (Paris Time) Cancelled - Reschedule date to come
  • Friday, May 28 ; 3:30pm-5:00pm (Paris Time) Cancelled - Reschedule date to come

The workshops will be held online (Zoom).
To attend the live sessions, please register via this link.

The lecture syllabus

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Remote sensing offers a synoptic and recurrent vision of the Earth surface, and is often used to derive knowledge on the ecosystem structure and functions and on the human usage of the natural resources. However, from the remote sensing measurement to a useful thematic piece of information, there are many traps that the potential user of remote sensing might consider. The lectures will thus introduce the physical grounds on which several forms of remote sensing rely, in order to develop the sources of potential uncertainties. They will present ways to solve at least partly some of these issues.

Attempted plan (might be adapted):

  • Introduction: the forms of remote
  • Basis of optical remote sensing
  • Radiometric uncertainties and corrections of optical remote sensing: topography, atmosphere, directional
  • Land cover classification: from simple to more elaborate methods
  • Radar remote sensing: basis, scatterometry for wind speed and direction, altimetry for water surface level monitoring, synthetic aperture radar for land cover mapping and forest biomass
  • Gravimetry

The lecturer

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Nicolas Delbart is a professor in the geography department at Université de Paris, and is affiliated to the Paris Interdisciplinary Energy Research Institute (UMR LIED). He was until recently involved at the PRODIG research unit, and previously at the Centre d’Etudes Spatiales de la Biosphère (CESBIO, (Toulouse, France), the Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement (LSCE, Gif-sur-Yvette, France) and at the Frontier Research Center for Global Change (FRCGC, Yokohama, Japan).

He is responsible for the master degree Remote Sensing and Geomatics Applied to Environmental Studies (in French, “Télédétection et Géomatique Appliquées à l’Environnement”) and teaches remote sensing in the bachelor and master geography cursus.

His research focuses on the remote sensing of vegetation seasonal variations. In addition to his phenological studies in the northern ecosystems, his research addresses the phenology of crops in mixed pixels in France and the monitoring of forest density via the seasonal variations in the remote sensing signal. His research has also involved the use and validation of several dynamic vegetation models that simulate the bio-chemical functioning of ecosystems, and has extended to the remote sensing of water resources seasonal variations in semi-arid environments.

More information about the Society and Environment project on this page

Replay (6 parts)