Infographic | Forced emigration: the origins and prospects of refugees in France (OPReF) | Benjamin Michallet
In this new infographic from Economics for everybody, discover the prospects of refugees in France between November 2020 and April 2021 explained by Benjamin Michallet.
Based on the work:
Benjamin Michallet, 2022, "Forced emigration: the origins and prospects of refugees in France"
Hillel Rapoport, Benjamin Michallet and Sarah Schneider-Strawczynski, 2022 (forthcoming), Enquête sur les Origines et les Perspectives des Réfugiés en France (OPReF)
Benjamin Michallet is a post-doctoral researcher at Paris School of Economics and the CNRS. His current research focuses on the evaluation of social and economic integration schemes for vulnerable populations.
He co-organizes the Paris Seminar on the Economics of Migration and Demography at Paris School of Economics with Hillel Rapoport and Hippolyte d’Albis. Before returning to research, he worked for several years as an economist at the The French Treasury.
Read more
Courtney Brell, Christian Dustmann and Ian Preston, 2020, "The labor market integration of refugee migrants in high-income countries", Journal of Economic Perspectives , 34 (1), 94-121
Herbert Brücker, Philipp Jaschke and Yuliya Kosyakova, 2019, "Integrating Refugees and Asylum Seekers into the German Economy and Society: Empirical Evidence and Policy Objectives", Washington (DC): Migration Policy Institute
"Global Conflict Trends: Assessing the Qualities of Systemic Peace", 2018, Center for Systemic Peace
Christian Dustmann, Francesco Fasani, Tommaso Frattini, Luigi Minale and Uta Schönberg, 2017, "On the economics and politics of refugee migration", Economic policy, 32 (91), 497-550
Francesco Fasani, Tommaso Frattini and Luigi Minale, 2021, "Lift the Ban? Initial Employment Restrictions and Refugee Labour Market Outcomes", Journal of the European Economic Association, 19(5), 2803-2854
Timothy James Hatton, 2016, "Refugees, asylum seekers, and policy in OECD countries", American Economic Review, 106 (5), 441-45
* This infographic is part of the new Economics for everybody formula.