Economics serving society

Workshop | Cities and the Environment | January 12, 2024

The Paris School of Economics is glad to invite you to the workshop "Cities and the Environment" of the Opening Economics Chair.

  • Date: January, 12nd 2024
  • Schedule: from 9:15am to 12:05pm
  • Place: Paris School of Economics and Zoom
    48 bd Jourdan, 75014 Paris, room R1-15

Compulsory registration via this link


09:15am-10:05am : Jordi Jofre-Monseny, economist at the Barcelona Economics Institute: "Is urbanization good for biodiversity and its conservation?"

10:05am-10:55am : Céline Clauzel, professor of geography at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne: "What place does biodiversity have in the greening of schoolyards?"

10:55am-11:15am : Coffee break

11:15am-12:05pm : Pascale Champalaune, economist at the Paris School of Economics: "Agglomeration economies and air pollution"

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The Opening Economics Chair allows economists to respond in creative and effective ways to the major questions of our times, by integrating two observations: that current challenges, complex and multifaceted as they are, demand an approach that transcends disciplinary boundaries, and that economics research must be renewed by advances made in other related disciplines.