Economics serving society

Press releases

The Edmond de Rothschild Group joins forces with Paris School of Economics to launch the "International Migration Economics" Research Chair | June 9, 2022

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The Edmond de Rothschild Group and Paris School of Economics have created the International Migration Economics Chair to develop research activities aimed at improving knowledge of international migration. The Chair will conduct rigorous research based on historical and contemporary data to better understand the motivations and implications of international migration, both for the global economy and for host and origin countries.

- Press release - Launch of the Research Chair International Migration Economics (PDF - 253Ko)

Paris School of Economics supports the Ukrainian academic community | April 21, 2022

PSE - Paris School of Economics expresses its support to the scientific community and students in Ukraine through several initiatives put in place over the last few weeks.
PSE contributes to the Ukrainian Global University (UGU), alongside several international institutions (Stanford, Yale, Harvard) and French institutions (the universities of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and Sorbonne Nouvelle, the ENS-PSL, and the EHESS). UGU, a virtual teaching and research network, connects Ukrainian students and researchers with higher education institutions around the world. Driven by the Kyiv School of Economics, it aims to maintain academic continuity despite the war and to rebuild the Ukrainian university landscape.

- Press release - Paris School of Economics supports the Ukrainian academic community (PDF - 201Ko)

Roundtable :The economic perspectives of the war in Ukraine | April 6, 2022

On Wednesday April 6, 2022, PSE - Paris School of Economics organized a roundtable on the economic perspectives of the war in Ukraine.
Conducted entirely in English, the roundtable brought together Ukrainian, Russian, French, Italian and German economists who drew on their recent research findings to address several questions.

- Press release of the roundtable on the economic perspectives of the war in Ukraine (PDF - 231Ko)

The Caisse des Dépôts Research Institute, Enedis, Paris School of Economics, PTV Group and TIER Mobility announce the creation of the "Urban New Deal" Research Chair | March 30, 2022

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The Caisse des Dépôts Research Institute, Enedis, Paris School of Economics, PTV Group and TIER Mobility announce the creation of the "Urban New Deal" Research Chair.

Four partners have joined forces to create a new Chair at Paris School of Economics. The “Urban New Deal” Research Chair aims at developing research to better understand the challenges of tomorrow’s low-carbon, resilient and inclusive cities, and proposing an Urban New Deal to implement the ecological and digital transformation.

- Press release - Launch of the Research Chair “Urban New Deal” (PDF - 333ko)

Paris School of Economics (PSE), AXA IM and AXA Research Fund have joined forces to launch a new Research Chair “For A Successful Energy Transition” | March 3, 2022

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AXA Investment Managers (AXA IM) and the AXA Research Fund have joined forces with Paris School of Economics (PSE) to launch a new research chair: “For A Successful Energy Transition”, in order to further identify the conditions for an energy transition to a net zero emissions world.

- Press release - Launch of the Research Chair "For a successful Energy Transition" (PDF - 205ko)

Oct. 27, 2021 - Insee, QuantCube, PSE, CANDRIAM and Société Générale create a new research Chair : « Measurement in Economics, Nowcasting – Beyond GDP »

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A new Chair gathering five partners is created at PSE. It aims to contribute to the progress of economic statistics methods, by promoting the mobilization of new sources and the development of very short-term forecasting tools (Nowcasting), and by continuing the reflections initiated from the Stiglitz Commission on a deepening of the statistical measurement of economic performance and well-being (Beyond GDP). On these two components, the objective of the Chair is to better meet the expectations of private and public decision-makers, and more broadly of the social demand on these subjects.
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Sept. 28, 2021 - Hermès and PSE create a new research chair « Opening Economics »

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Hermès and the Paris School of Economics (PSE) have created the research chair “Opening Economics” (OSE) within PSE. Led by Jean-Olivier Hairault (PSE, Paris 1) and Jean-Marc Tallon (PSE, CNRS), respectively Director and Head of Research at PSE, this Chair has the ambitious objective of opening up economics to and through other disciplines.
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Sept. 21, 2021 - Daniel Cohen, new president of PSE

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Jean-Pierre Danthine, professor at PSE and at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, has stepped down from the president position he was occupying since September 2015. Daniel Cohen, co-founder of the PSE, and former director of the ENS-PSL economics department and of the Cepremap, is the new president (since July the 1st).
>> Télécharger ce communiqué de presse (pdf)

March 29, 2021 - Renewal of the "Macroeconomic Risk" SCOR-PSE Chair

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Following its first three years, the research Chair funded by the SCOR Corporate Foundation for Science and hosted by PSE has been renewed until 2023. This partnership aims to strengthen high level research and the dissemination of knowledge about macroeconomic risk analysis.
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December 7, 2020 - The Ardian Foundation, the DEPP and the PSE create a new chair “Education Policy and Social Mobility”

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The Ardian Foundation – under the aegis of the Fondation de France, the DEPP (Direction de l’évaluation, de la prospective et de la performance) of the Ministry for National Education, Youth and Sports, and the Paris School of Economics (PSE) announce the creation of a new research chair “Education Policy and Social Mobility” within the PSE...
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September 2020 - Esther Duflo and Abhijit Banerjee to join ENS-PSL and PSE for the 2020–2021 academic year

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Professors Esther Duflo and Abhijit Banerjee, winners of the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2019, have accepted an invitation to become visiting research and teaching scholars at the Paris School of Economics (PSE) and the Université Paris Sciences et Lettres (PSL) for the 2020-21 academic year.
Professor Abhijit Banerjee will be Research Professor at PSL and affiliated with the Economics department at the École normale supérieure (ENS). Professor Duflo will be Visiting Professor at ENS - PSL. They will both conduct their research at PSE within the CNRS research unit.
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July 2019 - Ekaterina Zhuravskaya: CNRS Silver Medal 2019

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For almost twenty years, the Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS) has rewarded those who have made the greatest contributions to spreading the Centre’s influence and to advancing research. Within the research themes of each of the ten institutions, the Silver Medal goes to five researchers for “the originality, quality and importance of their work, recognised nationally and international”. Ekaterina Zhuravskaya, director of studies at the EHESS and a PSE professor, is a 2019 laureate in the Human and Social Sciences (SHS), along with four other researchers.
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January 23, 2019 - Jean-Olivier Hairault takes up his position as the director of the Paris School of Economics

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At the end of an international recruitment process, led by an ad hoc committee, Jean-Pierre Danthine, president of the PSE Board of Directors has named Jean-Olivier Hairault to head the foundation. He takes up the position in January 2019, succeeding Pierre-Yves Geoffard, whose mandate expired at the end of December.
>> Download this press release (pdf)
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June 6, 2018 - Creation of the SCOR-PSE Chair on Macroeconomic Risk

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The Paris School of Economics (PSE) and the SCOR Corporate Foundation for Science announce the creation of a research chair on Macroeconomic Risk. This chair is held by PSE and financed by the SCOR Foundation whose mission includes “encouraging risk research and disseminating the resulting knowledge”.
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13 December 2017 - Une nouvelle approche de la mesure de la dépendance

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La Chaire « Économie de la dépendance des personnes âgées », créée en 2015 par la Fondation Médéric Alzheimer (FMA) et Paris School of Economics (PSE), avec le soutien de La Banque Postale Prévoyance, Mutex et MutRé, a organisé son premier colloque lundi 11 décembre. L’objectif était de présenter une partie des travaux en cours et de rassembler un panel d’experts susceptibles de réagir aux interrogations et hypothèses abordées. Cette chaire vise à étudier l’évolution prospective de la population dépendante afin d’analyser l’ensemble des impacts liés à leur prise en charge au cours des vingt prochaines années, et d’anticiper les réponses à apporter en termes d’offres de soins et de financement.

22 May 2017 - Antoine Bozio, best young economist 2017

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Chaque année, le Monde et le Cercle des économistes distinguent « le meilleur jeune économiste ». Ce prix récompense des jeunes chercheurs (âgés de moins de 41 ans) dont les travaux ont contribué de façon significative à la pensée et à la connaissance économiques. Le lauréat 2017 est Antoine Bozio, maître de conférences à l’EHESS, enseignant-chercheur à PSE et directeur de l’Institut des politiques publiques (IPP). Nicolas Baumard (CNRS-ENS), Thomas Chaney (Science po) et Isabelle Méjean (Alumni PSE 2006, Polytechnique) étaient nominés.

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30 March 2017 - Création d’une chaire de recherche sur le thème du travail

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PSE-Ecole d’économie de Paris, en partenariat avec la Mairie de Paris, le Ministère du travail, Pôle Emploi et l’Unédic, crée une chaire de recherche au programme scientifique ambitieux. Localisée sur le campus Jourdan, elle soutiendra des travaux destinés à éclairer le débat public notamment dans les domaines de l’emploi, de la formation et de la lutte contre le chômage. La nouvelle chaire a d’ores et déjà lancé ses activités et ouvert les premiers recrutements de doctorants et post-doctorants.

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23 Feb. 2017 - The inauguration of the new campus Jourdan ENS-PSE

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The new ENS-PSE building of more than 12,000 m², situated on the Jourdan campus in the 14th arrondissement of Paris, between the Porte d’Orléans and the Parc Montsouris, opposite the Cité Universitaire, was officially inaugurated today by President François Hollande. Also present were the minister for schools and higher education and research Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, the mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, and president of the Regional Council for the Île de France, Valérie Pécresse.

2006-2016: PSE celebrates its 10-year Anniversary!

The goal of the Paris School of Economics, "Fondation de Coopération Scientifique” (Scientific Research Foundation) founded in December 2006, is clear and simple: to build a research community of top international standing that produces and transmits economic knowledge, train students from around the world, and disseminates understandings of economics to a broad public.

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This initiative, which brings together for the first time the grandes ecoles, (Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, EHESS, ENS), a university (Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne), and major research institutions (CNRS, INRA), is the result of a long history of a progressive consolidation of several teams. Today, this community of teacher-researchers produces research and teaching that are jointly articulated, works closely with the broader public, and relies on novel human, financial and built environment resources. Yet, a number of challenges must still be met if PSE is to consolidate its gains, and continue to innovate and develop.
On the occasion of its tenth anniversary, the PSE - Paris School of Economics is taking stock of its main achievements and giving the floor to its Founders and Alumni, and invites you to join the birthday celebrations.

November 2016 - choose the best football player of 2016… and advance social science research!

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What if you could vote for the best football player of the year while participating in a scientific study? That is what the site is currently offering, in a study being conducted by researchers interested both in football as a “total social fact”, including the practices and culture of supporters, and in voting systems. The site is presented in six languages and is open to all, until 13 December 2016. The data are collected and treated in the strictest confidence, and the first results will be announced soon after the study closes.

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June 2016 - Best young french economist: C.Landais. G.Pontière and N.Coeurdacier nominated

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Each year, Le Monde and Le Cercle des économistes announce “the Best Young economist Prize”. This prize rewards the work of a young researcher (below 40) who contributes to promote the different aspects of economics and social sciences. This year’s winner is Camille Landais, Associate Professor in economics at the London School of Economics and PSE Alumni (APE Masters 2003, PhD 2009). The two nominees are Grégory Ponthière, professor at the university of Paris-Est Créteil and PSE Affiliate Member, and Nicolas Coeurdacier, associate professor of Economics at Science Po Paris, and PSE Alumni (APE Masters 2002, PhD 2006).

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9th March 2016 - François Bourguignon, Laureate 2016 Dan David Prize

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For 15 years, the Dan David Foundation and the Tel Aviv University have been awarded annually from 3 to 9 Laureates covering three time dimensions - Past, Present and Future. These prizes, supported by the foundation and chosen by an international board, aim at "recognizing and encouraging innovative and interdisciplinary research that cuts across traditional boundaries and paradigms". François Bourguignon, PSE Emeritus Chair, is 2016 Laureate in the dimension "present - Combatting Poverty" along with Sir Anthony Atkinson and James Heckman.

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Feb. 2016 - 5 PSE Alumni awarded by a Chancellerie Prize

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Cinq jeunes docteurs de PSE - Axelle Arquié, Dorian Beauchêne, Basile Grassi, Emmanuel Kemel et Claire Thibout - sont lauréats 2015 des Prix de la Chancellerie des Universités de Paris. La cérémonie de décembre 2015 a vu plus de 65 jeunes chercheurs - toute discipline confondue - recevoir un prix. La discipline « Sciences économiques et gestion » compte cette année 10 lauréats, dont la moitié sont donc issus de PSE. La brochure complète éditée par la Chancellerie est accessible via

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17 Nov. 2015 - Eric Monnet and Jean-Edouard awarded for their PSE thesis

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Two PSE Alumni, Eric Monnet and Jean-Edouard Colliard, have been awarded respectively 2015 IEHA prize for the best 20th century dissertation, and the new AMF prize for best young researcher in Economics.

Download this press release (in French).


3 Nov. 2015 - Carbon and inequality: from Kyoto to Paris

Lucas Chancel and Thomas Piketty publish « Carbon and inequality : from Kyoto to Paris », a report presented during the Iddri-PSE conference on Environmental inequalities.

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3 Sept. 2015 - Jean-Pierre Danthine, new president of PSE

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Roger Guesnerie, professor at the Collège de France and president of PSE since its creation in December 2006, has stepped down from his position. Jean-Pierre Danthine, former vice-president of the Swiss National Bank, replaced him at the head of the institution on the 3rd of September 2015.

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19 May 2015 - Best young french economist: Pascaline Dupas awarded, Luc Behaghel nominated

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Chaque année, le Monde et le Cercle des économistes distinguent « le meilleur jeune économiste ». Ce prix récompense des jeunes chercheurs (âgés de moins de 40 ans) dont les travaux ont contribué de façon significative à la pensée et à la connaissance économiques. La lauréate du prix 2015 est Pascaline Dupas (Stanford University, PhD PSE), et l’un des trois nominés est Luc Behaghel (PSE, INRA).

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16 March 2015 - Gabrielle Demange : CNRS silver medal 2015

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Depuis près de vingt ans, le Centre national de la recherche scientifique remet chaque année la médaille d’argent du CNRS. Au sein de chacun des dix instituts thématiques, cette récompense distingue un à trois chercheur(s) « pour l’originalité, la qualité et l’importance de ses (leurs) travaux, reconnus sur le plan national et international ». Gabrielle Demange, directeur d’études à l’EHESS et chaire associée à PSE, est lauréate 2015.

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10th Sept 2014 - Mouhamadou Sy and Gabriel Zucman awarded for their PSE thesis

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La fin d’année académique a été marquée par la distinction de deux jeunes économistes par l’Association Française de Science Economique (AFSE) pour leur thèse réalisée à PSE-Ecole d’économie de Paris : Mouhamadou Sy a obtenu le prix 2014 de thèse monétaire, financière et bancaire décerné en partenariat avec la Fondation Banque de France ; Gabriel Zucman, a été honoré par le prix 2014 de thèse d’économie.
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28th May 2014 - Best young french economist: A. Bozio, M. Bussière and E. Huillery nominated

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Chaque année, le Monde et le Cercle des économistes distinguent « le meilleur jeune économiste ». Le prix récompense les travaux de jeunes chercheurs (âgé de moins de 40 ans) dont les travaux contribuent à mieux faire connaître les multiples facettes des sciences économiques. Le lauréat 2014 du prix est Augustin Landier, de TSE, et les trois nominés sont membre, professeur ou ancien de PSE : Antoine Bozio, enseignant-chercheur à PSE et directeur de l’Institut des politiques publiques ; Matthieu Bussière, chercheur à la Banque de France et chargé de cours à PSE ; Elise Huillery, Assistant-Professor à Sciences Po et ancienne étudiante du master et doctorat APE de PSE.
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19th May 2014 - Europeans, scientists need your votes!

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Europeans, scientists need your votes!
On 22-25 May EU citizens will cast their votes to choose the future European-level decision-makers by electing a new European Parliament. In the run up to the big day, a pan-European team of political scientists invite you to take part in “EUROVOTE+”, a unique online voting experiment allowing you to learn about and test different European voting systems.
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18th March 2014 - French luxury and international competition: a research by the Paris School of Economics

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The effects of globalisation on businesses, employment and the balance of trade are regularly at the centre of economic, social and political debate. For developed countries, especially European ones, the emerging economies [...] provoke as much fear as expectation in relation to these matter.
What does the first scientific study of the luxury sector teach us?
How do we explain the success of luxury firms? What are the key issues ?
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9th Sept. 2013: PSE students and alumni 2013 summer awards

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Many institutions enjoy the summer break to reward the work done during the past academic year. The 2013 summer has been particularly rich in awards for PSE students: Jean-Edouard Colliard, Fanny Henriet and Marlon Seror have seen their theses and dissertations rewarded. Emmanuel Farhi, a former APE student (alumni 2001), has been named "Best Young Economist 2013".
Presentation and interview of the winners.
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28th March 2013: Thomas Piketty 2013 Yrjö Jahnsson Award

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In 1993 the Finnish Yrjö Jahnsson Foundation established a biennial award, called the Yrjö Jahnsson prize, for a European economist under 45 years old who has made a contribution in theoretical and applied research that is significant to economics in Europe. The first award was presented at the 1993 Helsinki Congress...
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Feb. 2013 - Pierre-Yves Geoffard : the new Director of the PSE

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Après cinq années d’un développement continu sous la direction de François Bourguignon, PSE-Ecole d’économie de Paris s’est affirmé comme un pôle majeur de réflexion et d’action. Depuis le 1er février 2013, Pierre-Yves Geoffard a pris les commandes d’un des 3 meilleurs centres européens de recherche en économie - à la lisière d’un Top 10 mondial dans lequel le nouveau directeur ambitionne d’installer PSE. Tout en affirmant les spécificités, la diversité et l’originalité des recherches et enseignements qui y sont menés avec, à horizon 2016, un rassemblement de toutes les équipes dans un nouveau bâtiment sur le campus Jourdan…
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24th July 2012 - AFSE 2012 Conference: an excellent year for PSE economists !

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Chaque année, les économistes de PSE sont distingués par l’Association Française de Science Economique (AFSE). Cette année encore, lors du 61ème Congrès de l’AFSE qui s’est tenu début juillet à Paris, les travaux de trois doctorants ont été distingués, et un chercheur a reçu le prix Edmond Malinvaud (créé en 2010) qui récompense le meilleur article académique publié par un jeune économiste de moins de 40 ans dans une revue répertoriée par l’American Economic Association.
Ils nous présentent ici leurs recherches ; si vous souhaitez en savoir plus, rendez-vous sur leurs pages personnelles ou accédez à leur intervention en ligne :
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Hippolyte d’Albis rewarded 2012 best young french economist

Quelle a été votre première réaction à la remise de ce prix ?
H.d’Albis: "Ce prix est décerné chaque année, depuis 2000, par Le Monde et le Cercle des économistes. La cérémonie, qui s’est déroulée dans une aile du palais du Luxembourg où siège le Sénat, est impressionnante : économistes, hommes politiques, journalistes etc. sont au rendez-vous, avec une qualité d’écoute « académique » ! Je suis honoré d’avoir reçu ce prix, des mains de Michel Camdessus et de Jean-Michel Charpin..."
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20th March 2012 - The PSE and the CREST join their forces to developp the Institut des politiques publiques (IPP)

PSE et le CREST s’associent pour développer l’Institut des politiques publiques
PSE-Ecole d’économie de Paris et le Centre de Recherche en Economie et Statistique (CREST) s’associent pour assurer le développement de l’Institut des politiques publiques. L’IPP, créé en septembre 2011 dans le cadre du Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique porté par PSE, vise à promouvoir l’analyse et l’évaluation quantitatives des politiques publiques.
Le 2 avril à 14h30 (Paris 14e), PSE et le CREST auront le plaisir de vous présenter l’IPP, ainsi que les résultats de sa première étude "Fiscalité et redistribution en France: 1997-2012".
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16th feb 2012 - PSE 5th anniversary

PSE-Ecole d’économie de Paris :
après 5 ans d’existence, un nouveau chapitre s’ouvre...
Le 21 décembre 2006, six établissements prestigieux d’enseignement supérieur et de recherche, l’Etat et la Région Ile-de-France, ainsi que des entreprises privées instituaient en Fondation de coopération scientifique "PSE-Ecole d’économie de Paris" (Paris School of Economics)...
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25th January 2012 - Anne-Celia Disdier and Facundo Alvaredo awarded

A-C Disdier et F. Alvaredo : deux chercheurs de PSE primés.
Anne-Celia Disdier: Laurier « jeune chercheur 2011 » de l’INRA
Facundo Alvaredo: Bourse internationale « ESRC-DFID Grant 2011 »
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11th January 2012 - Une nouvelle enquête sur les décisions économiques des couples démarre prochainement !

Dans le cadre d’une collaboration unique entre PSE-Ecole d’économie de Paris, l’Université Cergy-Pontoise, l’Université Paris1-Panthéon-Sorbonne, le CNRS et l’ESSEC, des économistes recherchent des volontaires pour se prêter au jeu en couple en Laboratoire d’Economie expérimentale: face à de (vraies) fausses situations, comment chaque conjoint réagit-il pour acheter ? Pour planifier ?
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13th October 2011: 1 PSE alumni and 1 PhD student rewarded

Isabelle Méjean and Gabriel Zucman, PSE alumni and PhD student are laureates of the Prix « jeune chercheur en économie » 2011 (Fondation Banque de France) and FEEM Award 2011 (European Economic Association).
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16th June 2011 - NYU and PSE to announce global partnership

New York University (NYU) and the Paris School of Economics (PSE) announce a global partnership that will create a faculty exchange program between the two institutions. In addition to facilitating faculty and research collaboration between the schools, the partnership will bring members of the PSE faculty to teach courses in NYU’s global network, beginning at NYU Abu Dhabi this fall.
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7th March - Esther Duflo conference 24/03/11 "Policies, Politics: Against Political Economy"

One year ago, Esther Duflo was awarded the Clark Medal.
In April 2011, she will publish with Abhijit Banerjee a book « Poor economics : a radical rethinking of the way to fight global poverty ». On the 24 th of March, the Paris School of Economics and the J-PAL Europe will welcome her for the first time for a conference...
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February 2011 - Job Market : a key-moment in PhD students life (and their institutions)

Every year, some PhD students of the Paris School of Economics, on the verge of defending their thesis, decide to be candidate on the Job Market.
They aim at obtaining a position mostly in european or international universities, as well as in national or international institutions...
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23rd December : 3 researchers and alumni rewarded

3 researchers and alumni rewarded
> Nicolas Coeurdacier, Prix « jeune chercheur en économie » 2010 de la Fondation Banque de France
> Jeanne Hagenbach, Prix de thèse en économie 2010 AFSE-Association Française de Sciences Economiques
> Frédéric Koessler, Médaille de bronze 2010 CNRS - Institut des sciences humaines et sociales (INSHS)
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15th September 2010 : Nina Guyon and Florian Mayneris, two PSE prize winners

The FEEM prize of the European Economic Association and Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM) is awarded each year to young european economists (under 30). In 2010, two laureates out of three (among 600 candidates) have submitted an article from their PhD thesis written within PSE : Nina Guyon and Florian Mayneris.
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6th September 2010 : eight internationally-renowned Economists have joined PSE-EEP

Every year, Universities and Research Centres in Economics join battle to try to attract the best Economists on the market, whether they be new PhDs or established researchers. PSE-EEP is happy to announce that eight internationally-renowned Economists will be joining the School in September 2010...
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31th May 2010 : a Blaise Pascal Chair 2010 granted to Rachel Kranton

Financed by the State and the Ile-de-France Region, the Blaise Pascal Chairs allowed each year 5 internationally renowned scientists to stay a few months in a teaching and/or research center. From September 2010, the Paris School of Economics will host Rachel Kranton, a major contributor to modern economics sciences...
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26th April 2010 : E. Duflo, 1st Development Economist to receive the John Bates Clark medal

The American Economic Association has decerned, at the end of April 2010, the John Bates Clark medal to Esther Duflo, Professor at the Massachussets Institute of Technology and co-founder of the J-PAL, for her research in Development Economics. It is the second times that a french Economist (E. Saez, 2009) and a woman (S. Attey, 2007) is awarded.
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26th January 2010 : The Banque de France Chair of the Paris School of Economics, first international conference co-organised with the IMF

With the IMF and the financial support of the Cepremap, the first conference of this Chair on “Economic Linkages, Spillovers and the Financial Crisis” is held in Paris on the 28th and 29th of January 2010. This conference brings together leading academics and policy makers working on current global policy issues, including global imbalances, international trade, international business cycles, financial bubbles, and relevant aspects of the financial crisis.
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11th January 2010 : Final Report: The effect of a policy of parental involvement in secondary schools

The Paris School of Economics has produced a final report for Martin Hirsch, the High Commissioner for Youth, regarding the evaluation of a programme carried out in 2008-2009 in 40 Secondary Schools in the Créteil regional education authority. This evaluation is the first of its kind in France: due to the public-policy stakes – policies regarding pupils’ parents have attracted only little interest from policy makers to date – and the scientific research method employed – a random or “controlled” experiment carried out by the J-PAL Europe Research Centre of the Paris School of Economics
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26th November 2009: Lecture by Emmanuel Saez on the 15th of December 2009 – the first French Economist to receive the John Bates Clark medal

At the end of April 2009, the American Economic Association decerned the John Bates Clark medal to Emmanuel Saez, Professor at the University of California, Berkeley, for his research in Public Economics. In over a decade of work at the highest level, Emmanuel Saez has made significant theoretical and empirical contributions to a number of fields (optimal tax theory, as well as the distribution of income and wealth). On the 15th of December, PSE has been pleased to invite Emmanuel Saez for a lecture on ’Taxation and Redistributive Politics’ on the Jourdan campus.

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6th November 2009: B. Apouey and J. Grenet, two PSE prizewinners

Bénédicte Apouey, 29 years old, and Julien Grenet, 30 years old, have been awarded respectively the FEEM prize of the European Economic Association (EEA) and the prize of the French Economic Association (AFSE). The link below contains a presentation of and interview with these two young researchers who both carried out their PhD work at the Paris School of Economics.

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8th October 2009: The evaluation of reinforced accompanying measures for the long-term unemployed

Luc Behaghel, Bruno Crépon et Marc Gurgand

Which measures are best-adapted to help those at risk of long-term unemployment to find a job? Economists at CREST and PSE, and members of the Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL), Luc Behaghel, Bruno Crépon and Marc Gurgand have evaluated the relative effectiveness of two reinforced accompanying measures, one of which used a private-sector placement agency, and the other which was run by the ANPE via the programme « Cap vers l’entreprise ».

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