Economics serving society

Interdisciplinary opening

The Opening Economics Initiative (OSE) embodies the ambitious goal that PSE has had since its inception to open up economics, both internally by deepening its core paradigm, and externally by exploring its boundaries and links with other disciplines. The OSE Initiative is interdisciplinary and carries various projects whose specificity is to bring together PSE economists and researchers from other disciplines. This interdisciplinary approach will be particularly useful for the environmental transition.

Economics and philosophy interact on several topics: social justice, collective choice and democracy, rationality of decision. Exchanges occur at the level of both theory and applications. They are particularly fruitful for thinking about public economics problems related to the environment and climate.

Environmental issues such as climate change, biodiversity loss, soil erosion or pollution constitute systemic risks for our societies, as shown by the numerous international works on these subjects. Faced with these challenges, social sciences and economics in particular have a major role to play in better identifying and measuring vulnerabilities but also opportunities, in order to outline responses adapted to situations of multiple constraints (social, political, geographical or financial).

The objective of the Society and Environment project is to build bridges between economics and natural sciences in order to better respond to the demands of civil society for relevant and multidisciplinary analyses. The topics explored by the members of the project are numerous and diversified: exposure to climate and weather risks and their socio-economic impacts; pollution, food and their consequences in terms of health; distribution of wealth, pollution and environmental accounting; and land use and biodiversity.