This collaborative project is conceived above all as a place of reflection and exchange allowing the research work of its participants to progress and new ideas to emerge.
Workshop "Cities and the Environment"
Cities, History, Society workshop
Neighborhoods and local interactions workshop
Interdisciplinary workshop : "Ports : between history and economics
- Download the program (PDF - 238 Kb)
Neighborhoods and intergenerational social mobility workshop
Since September 2020, the team has been meeting on a regular basis in workshops organized every four to six weeks. Each meeting is devoted to a predefined theme, and prepared by one or more members of the team, or sometimes by an external speaker whose methodological contributions are relevant to the reflection. Although each meeting allows the researcher to present his or her work, it is not a classic seminar. This presentation is sometimes intended to develop a specific methodological point (presentation of a new database or an innovative method, for example), sometimes to highlight the different approaches used to address the same question in various disciplines. In the end, it is mainly a question of initiating a discussion between the participants on the research in progress and to envisage new research questions.
- See the full programme on the LABPUB website
Multidisciplinary Workshop
In parallel, we will organize an annual multidisciplinary workshop during which French or foreign researchers will be invited to present works at the frontier of the questions identified during our meetings.
Interactions with other PSE existing projects
It is important to emphasize that this project fits into the PES environment in various ways. First of all, interactions between group members can be extended on an ad hoc basis, using the Regional Science and Urban Economics Seminar co-organized by Laurent Gobillon and Miren Lafourcade. This half-day workshop regularly brings together about thirty researchers in regional and urban economics at PSE, who can thus interact with the members of the collaborative project.
Moreover, the project is already strengthening interactions between the Labour and Public Economics thematic group (in which the urban economy is represented at PSE) and the Economic and Social History and Regulation and Environment groups in particular.
Finally, the societal dimension of this project makes it part of the "Cities and Social Cohesion" research program led by Camille Hémet and funded by the ANR (ANR-18-CE22-0013-01).
Expected impact
The activity of the group formed for this project is highlighted on the website of the Labour and Public Economics axis: the presentation materials used during each meeting are regularly put online, as well as the associated multidisciplinary bibliographical references, or information notes on the databases used in the published works.
In terms of scientific production, exchanges with researchers from other disciplines are intended to lead to joint research work, at the crossroads of the various disciplines represented.
Finally, and in response to the objective of strengthening the study of urban issues in PSE, a longer-term ambition is the formalization of a research center around these issues, on the model of the François Simiand Center (itself born of a collaborative PSE project).