Economics serving society


Workshop | Getting out of RSA and long-term unemployment | November 28

Chair’s Teas

The "Chair’s teas" are internal seminars, given in hybrid form, on Fridays from 4 to 5 pm at PSE. Priority in presentations is given to PhD students of the Chair, for papers in progress or at the start of a project.

The Chair’s Teas Programme - 2022

Women of struggle: the role of women in the American labor unions presented by Paolo Santini, on 28/01/2022 (16:00pm) in room R2-01

Optimal eligibility for unemployment benefits presented by Basile Vidalenc, on 25/02/2022 (16:00pm) in room R2-01

The transition of foreign students to the local labor market in the US presented by Morgan Raux, on 11/03/2022 (16:00pm) in room R2-01

Price and consumption responses to petrol excise taxes: Evidence using regional tax variation in Spain presented by Ander Oraizoz, on 08/04/2022 (16:00pm) in room R2-01

What do women want in a job? Gender-biased preferences and the reservation wage gap presented by Kenza Elass, on 15/04/2022 (16:00pm) in room R2-01

The Impact of Fiscal Austerity on Local Income presented by Francesco Filipucci, on 13/05/2022 (16:00pm) in room R2-01

On the seventh day you shall not do any work: the winners and losers of Sunday work deregulation presented by Dominique Goux, on 21/10/2022 (16:45pm) in room R1-13

Mobilité professionnelle des femmes & formation professionnelle presented by Léonard Bocquet, on 28/10/2022 (16:00pm) in room R1-09

The multiple dimensions of selection into employment presented by Kenza Elass, on 18/11/2022 (16:45pm) in room R1-13

The Returns To EU Investment in Education presented by Francesco Filipucci, on 02/12/2022 (16:00pm) in room R1-09

The Chair’s Teas Programme - 2023

Measuring returns to vocational education: Evidence from France presented by Todor Tochev, on 10/02/2023 (16:00pm) in room R1-14

Prime d’activité et Arbitrage Travail-Etudes presented by Baptiste Roux, on 24/02/2023 (16:00pm) in room R1-14

Fixed-term contracts and wage formation: Rent-sharing, compensating differentials and dual wage ladder presented by Simon Löwe, on 10/03/2023 (16:00pm)

Sex and the density: Female urban wage premium and the gender wage gap presented by Kenza Elass, on 24/03/2023 (16:00pm) in room R1-14

The Wage Curve After the Great Recession presented by Alex Bryson, on 24/04/2023 (16:00pm) in room R1-14

The Network Origin of Slow Labor Reallocation presented by Léonard Bocquet, on 05/05/2023 (16:00pm) in room R1-14

Job seekers reactions to changes in eligibility rules of the Unemployment Insurance presented by Kevin Savary, on 26/05/2023 (16:00pm) in room R1-14

TBA, Florentine Oliveira, on 30/06/2023 (16:00pm) in room R1-14