Economics serving society

2006-2016: PSE celebrates its 10-year Anniversary

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The goal of the Paris School of Economics, "Fondation de Coopération Scientifique” (Scientific Research Foundation) founded in December 2006, is clear and simple: to build a research community of top international standing that produces and transmits economic knowledge, train students from around the world, and disseminates understandings of economics to a broad public.

This initiative, which brings together for the first time the grandes ecoles, (Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, EHESS, ENS), a university (Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne), and major research institutions (CNRS, INRA), is the result of a long history of a progressive consolidation of several teams. Today, this community of teacher-researchers produces research and teaching that are jointly articulated, works closely with the broader public, and relies on novel human, financial and built environment resources. Yet, a number of challenges must still be met if PSE is to consolidate its gains, and continue to innovate and develop.

On the occasion of its tenth anniversary, the PSE - Paris School of Economics is taking stock of its main achievements and giving the floor to its Founders and Alumni, and invites you to join the birthday celebrations.

Contact #10ansPSE : sylvain.riffe at

PSE has interviewed some Professors, Students, Partners and Alumni about its main mission "Economics Serving Society" (with English subtitles)

PSE’s main achievements

A unified and more visible community

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The establishment of the scholarly co-operation that is PSE was both the result of and the lever for an earlier assembling of the scientific, pedagogical and funding resources of six major actors in economics and social science research. From the 1980s to the middle of the 2000s, several mergers of research teams took place (Ceras, Delta, CES, PjSE…). The birth of PSE in December 2006, at the initiative of the researchers themselves and in line with the official national strategy for research, was the final result of this unifying process. With an independent legal identity, the foundation – supported by an active and demanding Scientific Board – has consolidated this new unity, reinforced its community and intensified its scholarly production and visibility... more

A productive and innovative scientific life

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The creation of a large community of researchers covering a broad thematic and methodological spectrum has led to fruitful competition among its members and, thanks to the new resources provided by PSE, resulted in intensified exchanges and projects. Over the years, the foundation has fostered multiple scientific synergies, created more collective approaches and supported researchers’ initiatives... more

Larger teaching programmes and target audiences

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Teaching is one of PSE’s flagship missions. Pre-existing curricula has been consolidated and internationalised, in the forms of two generalist Masters - APE and ETE – and a PhD programme. PSE has also developed and supported new courses to fill specific needs and to generate new audiences: a thematic Masters was introduced at the beginning of the 2008 academic year (PPD-Public Policy and Development); the Paris Lycées Exploration Annuelle en Sciences Economiques (PLEASE) initiative began in 2011; a training programme for secondary and tertiary economics teachers (Programme de Formations des Enseignants d’Economie du Secondaire et du Supérieur, ProF-En-EcoS) was established in 2012; and a Summer School began in 2016... more

An active relationship with the general public

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With the strong civic engagement of a number of its researchers, the Paris School of Economics has from the outset confirmed its commitment to placing economics at the service of society. In particular, this mission has resulted in the creation of multiple collaborations and the establishment of the Institute for Public Policy. Thus the foundation informs and appeals to all citizens, through the words and the work of researchers wholly implicated in public life... more

New human, financial and building resources

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Created as a foundation for scientific co-operation, PSE associates closely its private-sector teams and funding with its public-sector personnel and resources. Supported by a flexible and active administration, and an equally active commitment by teacher-researchers to the operational management of the projects, PSE has progressively increased its funding resources via different channels. Talked about since December 2007, the construction of a new building, co-funded by the Ile-de-France region, the City of Paris and the central government, is now near completion: it will be inaugurated on 23 February next year and will open up new perspectives for the PSE... more

The Paris School of Economics as seen by…

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…Jean-Pierre Danthine and Pierre-Yves Geoffard: PSE in 10 years
It is 2027. A great colloquium has been organised to mark the 20th anniversary of the Paris School of Economics, so you come back to the Boulevard Jourdan, to the campus at whose inauguration in 2017 you celebrated PSE’s 10th birthday. What do you see?... more

…our public Founders

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Patrice Bourdelais, Director of the INSHS/CNRS
Armel de la Bourdonnaye, Director of the Ecole des Ponts ParisTech
Pierre-Cyrille Hautcoeur, President of the EHESS
Marc Mézard, Director of the ENS
Philippe Mauguin, Chief Executive Officer of the INRA
Georges Haddad, President of the Unviersity Paris 1
Read these texts

…our Alumni - former Masters and PhD Students: discover these Testimonials

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2017: our #10ansPSE events

All about the Paris School of Economics