Economics serving society


June 10 to June 14, 2024

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General Schedule


Monday 10 June

8.30am - 9am - Welcome coffee

9am - 10am - Welcome & presentation

10am - 10.30am - Coffee break

10.30am - 12pm - Risk, Inequality, and Climate Policy - Marc Fleurbaey and Stéphane Zuber

12pm - 2pm - Lunch break

2pm - 3.30pm - Risk, Inequality, and Climate Policy - Marc Fleurbaey and Stéphane Zuber

3.30pm - 4pm - Coffee break

4pm - 5.30pm - Climate Change and Long-term Forest Policies - François Libois

From 5.30pm - Welcome cocktail


Tuesday 11 June

9am - 10.30am - Climate Change and Long-term Forest Policies - François Libois

10.30am - 11am - Coffee break

11am - 12.30pm - Economic Damages of Climate Change - Maximilian Auffhammer

12.30pm - 2pm - Lunch break

2pm - 3.30pm - Economic Damages of Climate Change - Maximilian Auffhammer

3.30pm - 4pm - Coffee break

4pm - 5.30pm - Workshop


Wednesday 12 June

9am - 10.30am - Risk, Inequality, and Climate Policy - Marc Fleurbaey and Stéphane Zuber

10.30am - 11am - Coffee break

11am - 12.30pm - Economic Damages of Climate Change - Maximilian Auffhammer

12.30pm - 2pm - Lunch break

2pm - 3.30pm - Economic Damages of Climate Change - Maximilian Auffhammer

3.30pm - 4pm - Coffee break

4pm - 5.30pm - Measuring the Effects of Climate Change, Carbon Pricing, and Natural Disasters in the Presence of Spillovers - Hélène Ollivier


Thursday 13 June

9am - 10.30am - Measuring the Effects of Climate Change, Carbon Pricing, and Natural Disasters in the Presence of Spillovers - Hélène Ollivier

10.30am - 11am - Coffee break

11am - 12.30pm - The Effects of Climate Change on Migration - Katrin Millock

12.30pm - 2pm - Lunch break

2pm - 3.30pm - Measuring the Effects of Climate Change, Carbon Pricing, and Natural Disasters in the Presence of Spillovers - Hélène Ollivier

3.30pm - 4pm - Coffee break

4pm - 5.30pm - Risk, Insurance, and Adaptation to Natural Disasters - Matthew Gordon


Friday 14 June

9am - 10.30am - Risk, Insurance, and Adaptation to Natural Disasters - Matthew Gordon

10.30am - 11am - Coffee break

11am - 12.30pm - Workshop

12.30pm - 2pm - Lunch break

2pm - 3.30pm - The Effects of Climate Change on Migration - Katrin Millock

From 5.30pm - Farewell cocktail

Contents - Climate change