Colloque | Resource and Energy Economics | 2-3 novembre 2023
Paris School of Economics a le plaisir de vous inviter au colloque "Resource and Energy Economics" organisé en partenariat avec l’ETH-Zürich.
- Date : Les 2 et 3 novembre 2023
- Lieu : Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Amphithéâtre Turgot, Paris
- Organisateurs : Lucas Bretschger (ETH Zurich), Katheline Schubert (PSE, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne), Mouez Fodha (PSE, Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne)
- Thèmatiques : Politique climatique, transition énergétique, risques environnementaux, pénurie de ressources, croissance économique, innovation verte, justice générationnelle, développement durable
Jeudi 2 novembre 2023
08.45-09.00 : Welcome
09.00-09.15 : Opening Address
Tasos Xepapadeas
09.15-10.30 : Session A : Risk in Environment and Society
Chair : Sjak Smulders
- Alexandra Brausmann
Misfortunes Never Come Singly : Managing the Risk of Chain Disasters - Stéphane Zuber
Opposite ethical views converge under the threat of catastrophic climate change - Stefan Baumgärtner
Responsibility for regime shifts in managed ecosystems - Aleksei Minabutdinov
Machine Learning for Continuous-Time Models with Climate Shocks and Financial Disasters
10.30-11.00 : Coffee
11.00-12.30 : Session B : Environment and Growth
Chair : Pietro Peretto
- Aude Pommeret
Stress discounting - Evgenij Komarov
All Inclusive Climate Policy in a Growing Economy : The Role of Human Health - Thomas Steger DICE : The Long Run
- Andreas Schaefer
Climate Policy, Productivity, and Appropriate Technologies - Lin Zhang
The Price of Wind under Climate Change
12.30-14.00 : Standing lunch at Panthéon
14.00-15.50 : Session C : Empirical Environmental Economics
Chair : Katheline Schubert
- Marica Valente
Waste Policy Evaluation and Machine Learning - Melissa Newham
The impact of mergers on green innovation - Joelle Noailly
Policy uncertainty and investments in renewable energy - Christa Brunnschweiler
Power to learn : Reliable electricity and education in India - Ara Jo
Substitution between Clean and Dirty Energy with Biased Technical Change - Katrin Millock
Mobility after flood
15.50-16.20 : Coffee
16.20-17.30 : Panel on Future Climate and Energy Policy
Chair : Karen Pittel
- Simone Borghesi
- Xavier Labandeira
- Yakov Tsur
- Karen Pittel
17.00-18.00 : Joint visit (for those who are interested)
Vendredi 3 novembre 2023
09.00-10.30 : Session D : Environmental Economics Theory and Policy
Chair : Mouez Fodha
- Andreas Lange
Goals - Armin Schmutzler
Providing Innovation Incentives for the Ecological Transition - Frank Krysiak
Who Should Drive Green Technology Transitions in Developing Countries : State-Owned Enterprises versus Private Firms - Alena Miftakhova
Boosting Sluggish Climate Policy : Endogenous Substitution, Learning, and Energy Efficiency Improvements - Grisha Perino
Revealed preferences for mitigation options and the role of public expert advice
10.30-11.00 : Coffee
11.00-12.30 : Session E : Technical Change and Sustainability
Chair : Simone Valente
- Matthias Leuthard
Overcoming the carbon trap : Climate policy and technology tipping - Pietro Peretto
Sustainable Growth and Secular Trends - Gerard van der Meijden
Endogenous Fossil Eliminating Technical Change and the Energy Transition - Mads Greaker
International cooperation on the environment : The case for a green innovation club - Rob Hart
Are research subsidies the key to stimulating a green transition ?
12.30-14.00 : Standing lunch at Panthéon
14.00-15.30 : Session F : Growth and Sustainable Resource Use
Chair : Cees Withagen
- Francesco Ricci
Efficient recycling - Susanne Soretz
Societal trust in governments and state leader behavior : a macroeconomic view on the provision of global public goods - Geir Asheim
National accounting for global externalities - Bob Cairns
Sustainability and its Seven Sins - Martin Quaas
Economic growth and the distributional effects of privatizing natural resources
15.30-16.00 : Coffee
16.00-17.10 : Panel on Climate Economics and Risk
Chair : Sjak Smulders
- Simon Dietz
- Amos Zemel
- Wolfram Schlenker
- Sjak Smulders
17.10 : Closing Address Session
- Alain Ayong Le Kama
- Kirill Borissov
- Cees Withagen
Les travaux de la Chaire Réussir la Transition Énergétique combineront analyses théoriques des mécanismes, simulations et analyses empiriques à partir de données historiques. Des enquêtes et expérimentations seront conduites pour mieux comprendre les préférences et les comportements des individus envers les types d’instruments envisageables et leur lien dans la construction de la confiance envers les institutions.