La science économique au service de la société
Bernard Caillaud

Bernard Caillaud

Professeur titulaire d'une chaire à PSE

Ingénieur général des Ponts, des Eaux et des Forêts Ecole des Ponts - ParisTech

Chercheur associé CEPR

Campus Jourdan – 48 Boulevard Jourdan 75014 Paris

6e étage, bureau 05

Tél. 01 80 52 16 05

Directeur master Analyse et Politique Economiques

  • Théorie des jeux
  • Contrats et Mechanism Design
  • Politiques de la concurrence
  • Economie des organisations


APE Master Program

I have been a co-director of the APE master program since september 2016 with Jean-Olivier Hairault.

APE is a joint program of EHESS, ENPC, ENS and University of Paris 1 and it is labelled by PSE. In september 2016, the new format for the program has been launched after the merger of the ETE master program (Paris 1) and the "old" APE program (EHESS-ENPC-ENS and by that time ENSAE, Ecole Polytechnique and HEC).


Microeconomics 2

I teach Microeconomics 2 in the first year of the APE Master program, in collaboration with Francis Bloch.

The 2016-2017 syllabus for the course describes what we do. Here are my slides for the lectures I was in charge of: Market power,  Externalities,  Public goods,  Asymmetric information and signaling, Principal-agent under screening,  Principal-agent under moral hazard.


Industrial organization

I teach the Core Course in IO in the second year of the APE Master program, in collaboration with Jean-Philippe Tropéano.

Here are the 2017-2018 syllabus and my slides for the lectures I was in charge of in 2016-2017: Imperfect competition,  Differentiation,  Advertising,  Consumers' inertia,  Networks and two-sided markets,  Research and Development,  Behavioral IO.


Economics of platforms

I have been teaching a 10 hour class in the PSE IO Summer Schools (2016 and 2017) about The Economics of Platforms; sorry the material is not public, you'd have to pay for it ... !

I will also teach a 20 hour course on The Economics of Platforms in the EDCBA Master Program that will be launched by PSE and Ecole des Ponts-ParisTech next year. More on this very soon, I hope.