Economics serving society

Comic | Outlook on the kidney paired donation program in France | Olivier Tercieux

Discover our new Economics for everybody comic book panel: "Outlook on the kidney paired donation program in France" inspired by Olivier Tercieux’s work.

It describes the main kidney donation exchange systems in the world, and shows how the recent Bioethics law could significantly increase the possibilities and the number of transplants in France.

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* A pair in the paired donation program consists of a patient and a living donor willing to donate a kidney who are not immunologically compatible.

Based on the work of:

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Olivier Tercieux is chaired professor at Paris School of Economics, research director at the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) and affiliated researcher at the Institut des Politiques Publiques (IPP). His research interests are in game theory and its applications. His scientific contributions, published in high level journals, are internationally recognized in the fields of non-cooperative game theory, evolutionary game theory and mechanism design. More applied, his recent research focuses on problems of optimal allocation of "goods" when there is no exchange currency (allocation of social housing, places in public schools or organs to patients).

Illustrations: Samuel Chich

** This comic book panel is part of the "Economics for everybody" formula.