Economics serving society

Podcast | Energy transition and environment | Katheline Schubert

For this fourth podcast of Economics for everybody, Katheline Schubert defines the carbon tax, which is supposed to promote the energy transition, and why it is so contested by households and companies.

Katheline Schubert is professor at the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and at Paris School of Economics. Her research focuses on environmental economics, natural resource economics, macroeconomic dynamics and sustainable growth. Her most recent work focuses on climate economics and the energy transition.

Read more

- Dominique Bureau, Fanny Henriet and Katheline Schubert, 2019, "Pour le climat : une taxe juste, pas juste une taxe", Conseil d’analyse économique.

- Fanny Henriet and Katheline Schubert, January 2021, "La transition énergétique : objectif ZEN", Opuscules du CEPREMAP.

* This infographic is part of Economics for everybody.