Economics serving society

Economics for everybody

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Paris School of Economics and its scholarly community have, from the beginning, promoted the notion of “economics serving society”.

For more than 10 years, PSE has regularly highlighted the work of its researchers through "Economics for everyone".

In 2022, "Economy for everyone" becomes "Economics for everybody". Furthermore, it will now offer a thematic approach. Works related to different themes will be presented for about 6 weeks, with one publication per week.
The ambition remains the same: to make the research work carried out at PSE and its laboratories accessible to everybody.
From now on, you will find on this page our contributions in the form of articles, interviews, infographics, comics, podcasts... to better understand together the economic issues and challenges of tomorrow.

Follow Paris School of Economics on the main Social medias:
Facebook - LinkedIn - Twitter, but also YouTube.

To receive our invitations, newsletters and so on: follow this link.

Thematic file n°9: Public Governance

Thematic file n°8: Labour

Thematic file n°7: Measuring well-being beyond GDP

Thematic file n°6: Armed conflicts and political economy

Thematic file n°5: Cities and urbanization

Thematic file n°4: Energy transition and environment

Thematic file n°3: Economics and health

Thematic file n°2: Inflation and purchasing power

Thematic file n°1: International migrations

Events for the general public

Among the scores of events organised each year by PSE, several lectures are open to everyone - register here to receive invitations and access the lectures on our youtube account. (if you wish to access the full agenda, follow this link)

Videos on the Nobel Prize in Economics

Watch our videos highlighting the work of Nobel Prize-winning researchers in economics.

Our columns in Les Echos

Every month, Les Echos publish two columns from PSE researchers on major economic issues: migration, health, education, energy transition, globalisation, debt, inflation, growth, labour...
Find their contributions on this page.

Our researchers on the bookshelves

Books aimed at the general public and students: each year, our economists edit several publications on various topics, designed for a general readership.

Actions supported by PSE

Past work of our researchers

  • "5 papers... in 5 minutes !": a regular selection of abstracts of recent academic articles, edited in a short and accessible format.
  • PSE newsletter: a trimestral publication giving you access to the latest research conducted by PSE, and also to older material such as interviews with invited guests.
  • "A word from...": interviews on various subjects of current interest.
  • In the news: some scientific work that had a large echo in the media.

These actions are co-funded by a French government subsidy managed by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche under the framework of the Investissements d’avenir programme reference ANR-17-EURE-0001.