Economics serving society

Ludwig Straub (Harvard University) and Robert Ulbricht (Boston College): laureates of the 2020 SCOR-PSE Junior Research Prize

Each year, the SCOR-PSE Chair distinguishes outstanding research in the field of macroeconomic risk conducted by a junior economist (or junior economists) less than ten years after the Ph.D via a selection committee headed by Gilles Saint-Paul (PSE-ENS, scientific director of the Chair).

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On April 28, 2020, the Chair organized an online conference with Jesús Fernández-Villaverde (University of Pennsylvania) as keynote speaker, followed by the awarding of the 2020 Junior Research Prize. The prize was awarded to Ludwig Straub and Robert Ulbricht, Assistant Professors respectively at Harvard University and Boston College, for the outstanding quality of their recent work on endogenous uncertainties and liquidity falls. The award ceremony was followed by the presentation of the awarded paper entitled: "Endogenous Uncertainty and Credit Crunches".

About the prize:

See the replay of the conference: