Economics serving society

THE ECONOMICS OF GENDER - Gender Inequality: Biases, Stereotypes and Violence

June 24 to June 28, 2024

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In spite of the progress made towards gender equality, the gender gap in wages, promotion, and recognition by peers, is persistent, partly driven by gender biases and cultural norms. This summer school aims at fostering participants knowledge of gender inequality causes and of the effectiveness of targeted interventions.


This program aims at providing participants with a thorough knowledge and understanding of the burgeoning literature on the economics of gender. Gender inequality in paid and unpaid work has diminished over time in most countries, thanks to the increasing participation of women in the labour market, the educational achievements of women, their increased representation in the political arena and elsewhere, which has been made possible also by the passing of laws of equality of opportunity by gender, the progress made in health and home technology, and so forth. Nonetheless, gender gaps persist in wages, promotion, career perspectives and recognition by peers, which are, at least in part, driven by explicit and implicit gender biases, and by deeply rooted cultural norms and stereotypes. Which policies can help reduce these persistent gaps? For example, how effective are gender quotas in achieving gender equality? Beyond the lectures, participants will have an opportunity to present their own research papers in this area.


Participants must have a solid background in applied microeconomics and econometrics.

Main concepts/theories/software… learned during the program:

Concepts and applications of gender economics.

Skills acquired thanks to the program:

Tools to understand the gender economics literature and replicate existing studies.
Develop the capacity to critically assess the literature and come up with new research ideas.

How will MA and PhD students benefit from this program:

Fostered capacity to develop and implement new research ideas.

How will professionals benefit from this program?

Foster knowledge of gender economics and best practices to achieve gender equality.

Two modes of participation are offered for the 2024 Edition:

  • In person, taking into account the highest health measures to protect the participants and professors. On site, our parisian campus offers teaching and logistics space: classrooms, teaching theater, garden, coffee and lunch breaks facilities...
  • Online, proposing interactive lectures in real time and, beyond, online office hours with professors to facilitate interactions. PSE offers technologies and process that will ensure high quality communication for online participants, both with professors and with other participants.
  • For all the participants, full sets of lecture notes and presentations will be made available, as well as the recordings of the courses.
  • This program is equivalent to 3 ECTS credits, which PSE validates.

Contents - The Economics of Gender: