Economics serving society
Roger Guesnerie

Roger Guesnerie

PSE Emeritus Professor

Emeritus Professor Collège de France

Emeritus Professor EHESS

Campus Jourdan – 48 Boulevard Jourdan 75014 Paris

5th floor, office 58

Phone +33(0)1 80 52 17 06

Honorary President of the Paris School of Economics

Personal website
  • Bounded rationality
  • Climate Change Economics

(English) Current Research

Economic Theory: Equilibrium, Dynamics and Expectations

Since the middle of the nineteen eighties, research on this theme aims at an assesment of the rational expectations hypothesis. It has two sides.

Available Discussion Papers
  • Macroeconomic and monetary policies from the "eductive" viewpoint paru dans "Monetary Policy under Uncertainty and Learning," édité par Klaus Schmidt-Hebbel et Carl Walsh, 2008, Banco Central de Chile, Preprint, PSE Working Paper 2008-24.
  • Expectational Coordination in a Class of Economic Models: Strategic Substitutabilities Versus Strategic Complementarities (with Pedro Jara-Moroni (abstract, paper). Version working paper de Expectational Coordination in simple Economic Contexts: Concepts and Analysis with emphasis on Strategic Substitutabilities, actuellement en revision pour Economic Theory.
  • Eductive stable transmission of information though prices: A brief review of results, with Gabriel Desgranges, Delta DP 2004-23, (abstract, paper).
  • Comparing expectational stability criteria in dynamical models: a preparatory overview, with Stéphane Gauthier, Delta DP 2004-09, (abstract, paper).
  • Eductive stability in sequential exchange economies: an introduction, with Hector Calvo Pardo, Delta DP 2004-24, (abstract, paper).

Recent Publications
  • General Equilibrium, Coordination, and Multiplicity on Spot Markets,paru dans Knowledge, Beliefs, and Economics édité par Richard Arena et Agnès Festré, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2006, pp. 59-80. (PSE Working paper 2006-05, abstract, paper).
  • Strategic Substitutabilities versus Strategic Complementarities: Towards a General Theory of Expectational Coordination?, Revue d'économie politique, 2005, p. 393-412. Abridged version of PSE WP 2005-07, (abstract, paper).
  • Coordination on saddle-path solutions, the “eductive” viewpoint, 2- linear multivariate models, with G. Evans, Journal of Economic Theory, 2005, p. 202-229 (abstract + article). Abridged version of Delta DP 2003-28 (abstract, paper)


Public Economics: Social Insurance, Redistribution and Environmental Issues

Recent work has borne on:

  • The redistribution of gains from trade in a context of international trade, following : "Peut-on toujours redistribuer les gains à la production et à l'échange: un retour en pointillé sur Ricardo et Heckscher-Ohlin", (1998) Revue Economique, 49, 3, p. 555-57
  • These considerations lead as well to the foundations of factor price equalization, reexamined in a recent paper with Ivar Ekeland (below).

  • environmental issues associated with the greenhouse effects have been discussed in two scientific papers below.


Available Discussion Papers


Recent Publications
  • The Geometry of Global Production and Factor Price Equalisation, (with Ivar Ekeland) à paraître, Journal of Mathematical Economics, PSE Working Paper 2006-50.
  • The Design of Climate Policies, livre co-édité avec H. Tulkens et publié par MIT Press. Incluse, une contribution titrée The Design of Post-Kyoto Climate Policies: Selected Questions in Analytical Perspective est aussi disponible en tant que PSE Working Paper 2006-11, abstract, paper.
  • De l'utilité du calcul économique publique, Economie et Prévision, 2006, 75-176, pp. 1-14.(PSE Working Paper 2006-06, abstract, paper).Paru dans le "Cahiers de l'évaluation"2008, n°2.
  • Calcul économique et développement durable, 2004, La Revue Economique, Delta DP 2004-02 (résumé, document de travail).
  • Second Best Redistributive Policies : the Case of International Trade, 2004, Journal of Public Economic Theory, 3 (1), 2005, p.15-25, (abstract + article). Version revisée de Delta DP 2000-21 (abstract, paper)


Contribution to the Policy Debate

  • Un rapport sur le thème des politiques de la concurrence, écrit en collaboration avec David Encaoua, à été soumis au Premier Ministre, D. de Villepin, au printemps 2006. Le rapport, (170 Pages) et les compléments, (100 pages) sont publiés dans un ouvrage paru à la Documentation Française, juin 2006 : "Politiques de la concurrence". Les compléments ont pour auteurs : Fançois Brunet, Philippe Choné, Laurent Flochel, Rachel Griffith, Anne Perrot et David Spector.
  • A popularization work "Combattre l'effet de serre va t'il nous mettre sur la paille ? (Editions le Pommier), was released by late 2003
  • A report about the economic stakes of the greenhouse effects, commissioned by the Conseil d'Analyse Economique (CAE) has been submitted to the Prime Minister, J.P Raffarin, on July 11th 2002. The report, (80 Pages) and it's complements, (170 pages) were published in book by La Documentation Française, january 2003 under the title "Kyoto et l'économie de l'effet de serre". The authors of the complements are : Philippe Ambrosi, Jean-Louis Bal, Philippe Ciais, Patrick Criqui, Christine Cros, Jean-Claude Duplessy, Sylviane Gastaldo, Jean-Charles Hourcade, Philippe Jean-Baptiste, Jean Jouzel, Franck Lecocq, François Moisan, Alain Morcheoine, Cédric Philibert, Marc Vielle et Laurent Viguier.

An abridged version of the last document has been published under the title "A Future for the Kyoto Protocol", in Economic Development, Climate Change, and the Environment edited by Ajit Sinha and Sinddhartha Mitra, Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, 2006, pp. 72-91. The text is available as PSE Working Paper 2006-08 abstract, paper.